Change of Name or Address
Change of Name or Address (Law 376)
(Change of Name-Address - Law 376.pdf - 2.7 MBs)
Submission Instructions
Change of Name or Address forms may be submitted to the Brevard County Clerk of Courts via one of the methods below:
- Mailed to us at: Brevard County Clerk of Courts, PO Box 219, Titusville, FL 32181-0219
- Faxed to one of the departments listed below:
- Criminal, Juvenile, or Traffic: 321-264-7702
- Civil or Family: 321-617-7245
- Probate, Guardianship, or Mental Health: 321-617-7245
- Delivered in person to one of our branch locations: Office Locations - Contact Us - Brevard County, Florida - Clerk of the Court