Effectively immediately, all eviction actions will require an affidavit of military service to be eligible for Clerk’s Default.
All Landlords should familiarize themselves with the latest edition of Chapter 83 (residential landlord/tenant) and Chapter 723 (mobile home parks) of the Florida Statute.
The information contained in the Eviction forms packet will aid you in the filing of your case.
It will not answer any questions you might have as far as "your rights".
Pursuant to an Order dated August 13, 1992, this office can not explain any part of the Landlord / Tenant Eviction Process to either party (the Landlord or the Tenant). Any questions or advice you may need MUST come from private counsel.
Be sure to READ THE FORMS PACKET IN ITS ENTIRETY as we can not help you other than to give you this packet.
A Landlord, his attorney or his agent may file the complaint in our office; however, a Landlord's agent is not permitted to take any action other than the initial filing of the complaint unless the Landlord's agent is an attorney.
The Clerk's office can not recommend an attorney for you. If you do not know an attorney who handles Tenant Evictions, you should contact the Lawyer's Referral Service at 1-800-342-8011 or 1-800-733-6337.
The Landlord and the Tenant should notify the Clerk's Office of any change in address.
If the case is settled either by the tenant moving out or by an understanding between the two parties after the case is filed, the Landlord should notify the court in writing so that the case may be dismissed.
Eviction Form Set
(Eviction Form Set - Residential.pdf - 2.5 MBs) -
3 Day Notice to Tenant
(3 Day Notice to Tenant - 217.pdf - 2.3 MBs) -
Complaint for Removal of Tenant
(Complaint for Removal of Tenant - 119.pdf - 1.1 MBs) -
Affidavit of Military Service
(Affidavit of Military Service - 456.pdf - 1.7 MBs) -
Non-Attorney Designation of Email Address
(Non-Attorney Designation of Email Address - 1350.pdf - 2.2 MBs) -
5 Day Summons
(5 Day Summons - Evictions - 131.pdf - 2.2 MBs) -
20 Day Summons for Back Rent or Other Damages
(20 Day Summons - Eviction - 1404.pdf - 3.2 MBs) -
Motion for Entry of Default by Clerk
(Motion for Entry of Default by Clerk - 580.pdf - 1.7 MBs) -
(Motion - General - 1342.pdf - 3.1 MBs) -
(Order - General - 973.pdf - 1.9 MBs) -
Notice of Hearing
(Notice of Hearing - Civil - LITIGANT PURPOSES - 1331.pdf - 5.2 MBs) -
Default - Final Judgment of Eviction
(Default Final Judgment of Eviction - 816.pdf - 1.6 MBs) -
Final Judgment for Eviction
(Final Judgment for Eviction - 169.pdf - 3.1 MBs) -
Writ of Possession
(Writ of Possession - 493.pdf - 1.6 MBs) -
Final Disposition Form
(Final Disposition Form - 161.pdf - 2.6 MBs) -
Court Disposition Form
(Court Disposition Form - 164.pdf - 2.5 MBs) -
Designation of E-mail Address for a Party Not Represented by an Attorney
(Designation of E-mail Address for a Party Not Represented by an Attorney - 1398.pdf - 3.7 MBs) -
Notice of Change of Mailing Address or Designated E-mail Address
(Notice of Change of Mailing Address or Designated E-mail Address - 1399.pdf - 4.0 MBs) -
Request to be Excused from E-Mail Service for a Party Not Represented by an Attorney
(Request to be Excused from Email Service - 1397.pdf - 6.3 MBs) -
(Answer - Eviction - 1403.pdf - 3.2 MBs)