October 10, 1996 (special session-1)
Oct 10 1996
The Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, met in special session on October 10, 1996, at 2:40 p.m. in the Government Center Florida Room, Building C, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Melbourne, Florida. Present were: Chairman Mark Cook, Commissioners Truman Scarborough, Randy O?Brien, Nancy Higgs, and Scott Ellis, Assistant County Manager Peggy Busacca, and County Attorney Scott Knox.
Planner Mel Scott advised the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) before the Board has been reviewed and supported by the Land Use Environmental and Infrastructure Citizens Resource Groups and Local Planning Agency (LPA). He outlined the goals of the meeting, including adoption of the Evaluation.
Traffic Circulation
Growth Management Director Sue Hann advised there are many objectives and policies in the Traffic Circulation Element (TCE); staff divided such Element into eight general issue areas and cross-referenced them back to the objectives in the Comprehensive Plan; the EAR on the Traffic Circulation Element acknowledges the value of transportation planning and recognizes there are changes in technology; the original TCE was very regulatory in nature and burdensome with many objectives and policies; and staff took a hard look at this Element. She noted it is staff?s intention to rewrite the TCE when the County moves toward the update; staff would like to focus on continuing and improving those practices that have been successful; there is an emphasis on public participation, intergovernmental coordination, and maintaining the transportation system in an effective and efficient way without degrading the quality of life; and the TCE can be streamlined by reducing and eliminating some of the redundant, unnecessary and non-achievable policies.
Discussion ensued on County roadway segments, projections, deficiencies, and availability of funding.
Mass Transit
Jimmy Liesenfelt, Space Coast Area Transit (SCAT), advised SCAT has changed in the past eight years; when the Comprehensive Plan was written in 1987, there was only one fixed route; and now there are approximately 14 fixed routes. He stated the Transportation Disadvantaged Program did not exist at the time; the VanPool Program was about half the size; the Medicaid Transportation was about $200,000 a year; and those things have changed greatly.
Discussion resumed on the Transit Development Plan, emergency services, Comprehensive Plan changes, airport shuttle service, transportation corridors, Park-N-Ride, S.R. 3 study, high speed rail, and Comprehensive Plan compliance.
Potable Water
Water Resources Director Richard Martens advised part of the Water Board discussions from 1995 included indication to use the figures and charts developed as a part of the process in the Comprehensive Plan; and it has been the source of material for a lot of the current conditions in this Element.
Commissioner Higgs inquired is the water supply working group still meeting; with Commissioner O?Brien responding affirmatively.
Commissioner O?Brien stated it appears that Brevard County does not have a drinking water problem at this time.
Chairman Cook concurred with Commissioner O?Brien that there is no immediate crisis; however, the County needs to make sure the situation is monitored.
Sanitary Sewer
Commissioner Ellis stated in regard to the South Beaches and Merritt Island, he does not understand why the County does not take all the people in those service areas and give them a free hookup if they get off their septic tanks.
Water Resources Director Richard Martens advised every place with lines in the ground in front of properties is connected to plants; there are infill areas, primarily on Merritt Island where there are no sewer lines in the ground; they were septic tank neighborhoods; and to do that would involve the process of installing sewer lines in those neighborhoods. He stated there are some bond covenant restrictions on waiving impact fees.
Commissioner Ellis stated the impact fees for capital expansion are going to be caused in the future by more people hooking up to the system.
Mr. Martens stated the bigger the County?s customer base and the higher percent of the plant capacity it uses, the more efficient it is; and the County?s bond covenants require a unified rate structure and treating all customers the same.
County Attorney Scott Knox advised those Contracts are always subject to the County?s ability to exercise its police power; and if it were to modify its Ordinance on how these things were handled, it is possible it could do something like that.
Commissioner Higgs noted the County does not have the distribution line on the extreme part of the South Beaches; it would have to build it; and it would be looking at thousands of dollars for people to hook up.
Commissioner Ellis noted he understands it is not free, but it is cheaper; so why not offer some kind of incentive to get people off their septic tanks.
Chairman Cook advised the County Attorney can review it to see what would have to be done legally with regard to the bond covenants.
Mr. Martens stated it fits in with what staff is trying to do; those types of situations would increase the income incrementally more than they will increase expenses; it will benefit the Enterprise Fund as a whole; and it is a positive thing to do.
Commissioner Ellis stated he has heard numerous discussions about evil septic tanks polluting the river; and if that is the case, the goal should be to get people off such tanks and on sewer systems.
Commissioner Higgs noted the data is not as clear as the County would like it yet.
Commissioner Scarborough requested staff provide a report to the Board on the issue.
Solid Waste and Hazardous Material
Mr. Scott advised staff reviewed the collection, disposal, and reduction of waste materials in this Element.
Chairman Cook noted generally objectives have been met; with Mr. Scott responding affirmatively.
Intergovernmental Coordination
Mr. Scott advised this Element was supposed to be one of the cornerstones of the Comprehensive Planning process; unfortunately, it turned out to be the thinnest Element in everybody?s Comprehensive Plan; this Element analyzes the relationships the County currently has with other governments; and it has entered into 1,870 agreements over the past 20 years.
Ports, Aviation & Related Facilities
Commissioner Ellis stated Page 14 refers to Valkaria Airport and he does not look at such Airport as ?struggling?; it is doing what it was meant to do which is an off loader for small planes.
Staff Member Della Curenton advised it is more of a reflection of what is going on with the facility; Florida Institute of Technology (F.I.T.) pulled its flight school out of there; and it has been a dramatic change from what the Airport had become accustomed to.
Commissioner Higgs suggested the term ?evolving? be used.
Historic Preservation
Ms. Busacca advised Vince Roberts assisted with this Element and put in a tremendous amount of time; and staff appreciates his efforts.
Planner Todd Peetz gave a brief overview of the Element. He advised such Element is the tool that the Historic Commission uses to do its work; it is the implementing Agency of this Element; and the only outstanding issues include the Historic Preservation ordinance and all Brevard County historic properties and archeological sites being placed on the Internet Page, which are still in the works.
Commissioner Scarborough stated it would be his preference to adopt Volumes I and II at the same time. The Board concurred with Commissioner Scarborough?s suggestion.
Upon motion and vote, the meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m
(S E A L)