July 10, 1997 (special/workshop)
Jul 10 1997
The Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, met in workshop/special session on July 10, 1997, at 10:08 a.m. in the Government Center Commission Room, Building C, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Melbourne, Florida. Present were: Chairman Randy O'Brien, Commissioners Truman Scarborough, Nancy Higgs, Mark Cook and Helen Voltz, County Manager Tom Jenkins, and County Attorney Scott Knox.
County Manager Tom Jenkins advised the preliminary budget represents a 4.99% decrease or $26,888,612 reduction from the amended budget of the current year; the per capita spending rate of the County's General Fund adjusted for inflation has declined from $188 to $173 from 1994 to 1996; and the preliminary 1997-98 budget reflects an aggregate ad valorem of 6.7378 mills, which is the aggregate rollback rate. He stated four of the five Commission Districts will have a decrease in ad valorem tax rates under the preliminary budget while District 1, due to increased recreation costs, will have a slight increase.
Budget Director Kathy Wall explained how ad valorem taxes are levied; and provided a list of all ad valorem taxes by taxing districts. She advised the proposed millage will generate approximately $98 million; and outlined additional revenues to be generated from new construction. She advised there is less than 2% increase in growth in the ad valorem taxes for the next fiscal year.
Commissioner Voltz inquired about the normal increase; with Ms. Wall providing a list of the historical increases and decreases.
Ms. Wall advised of other major revenues which are projected to increase. She stated the preliminary budget did not include any new fees or increases to existing fees for County agencies; however, the Melbourne-Tillman Water Control District proposes a 10% increase in its user fee.
Melbourne-Tillman Water Control District
Chairman O'Brien inquired about the last year the Melbourne-Tillman Water Control District did not raise its taxes; with Ms. Wall responding at least two years. Discussion ensued on the increases, scope of work of the District, funding the C-1 Diversion Project, and flooding in Districts 3 and 5.
Commissioner Higgs inquired what is the residential property rate; with Melbourne-Tillman Executive Director Gary Garrison responding currently it is $14.64. Mr. Garrison advised last year's increase was 3%; and explained why the increase is necessary to provide mowing and cleaning of 10 miles per year and money for the Diversion Project with the St. Johns River Water Management District. He outlined the details of the agreement with the St. Johns River Water Management District; and advised the Melbourne-Tillman operating and equipment budget is status quo.
Discussion ensued on maintenance of the canals, use of funds prior to 1980, double taxation, drainage canals, diversion project, cutting the request, what has been done in the last ten years, and impact of not getting the land for diversion of water.
Commissioner Higgs advised she supports the 10%, which would be $1.40 per residential property per year. Commissioner Voltz advised of the benefit received by the people in the District. Commissioner Cook stated last year the District got 3% and survived. Commissioner Higgs advised last year the District was still involved in engineering and technical work, but now it is ready to begin the project. Mr. Garrison advised the District needs to start contributing its share; and reiterated the details of the project and agreement with the St. Johns River Water Management District. He stated lack of funding would set the project back. Chairman O'Brien inquired if the District gets a 10% increase this year, will it get a 10% decrease next year; with Mr. Garrison responding no, because it is a multi-year project. Discussion ensued on the funding increase, the cumulative effect of taxes, benefit of the diversion project, and prevention of flooding.
Chairman O'Brien advised of the Board's responsibility to lower the possibility of future flooding due to development and growth; and suggested it be put on the agenda in August or September.
Commissioner Higgs noted the Board previously directed staff to come back with standards for flood control in particular areas, and Mr. Garrison can provide a memorandum addressing the issue. Discussion ensued on changing the Codes, cooperation of the cities, actions being taken to improve the platted systems, downzoning, ownership of lots, case for taking, and ability to purchase area and replat.
Judicial Branch Administration
Ms. Wall advised the Judicial Branch Administration preliminary budget includes a 2.93% increase due to cost of living for salaries and impact of inflation on operating expenditures; there are no funded program changes; however, there are two unfunded program changes. She advised the unfunded program changes are self-supporting; the first is family mediation; and explained the use of the program.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Cook, to approve adding the Family Mediation Program to the Judicial Branch Administration budget.
Discussion ensued on the Family Mediation Program. Court Administrator Mark Van Bever advised the County will not lose money because the contractor will assume all the risk.
Chairman O'Brien called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Ms. Wall advised the other program is overflow dependency mediation; and explained the program. She stated this will transfer resources from the County Court side to the Judicial Administration side.
Mr. Jenkins advised it is a reallocation of existing dollars, but a new expanded service. Mr. Van Bever explained how the program will work.
Commissioner Cook requested a report on the program to document the figures. Mr. Van Bever responded staff can provide the statistics for the Board.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Cook, to approve adding the Overflow Dependency Mediation Program to the Judicial Branch Administration budget, with direction to provide a report six months into the programs documenting savings.
Chairman O'Brien inquired if there will be a reduction in costs; with Mr. Jenkins responding there will be a transfer of costs. Mr. Van Bever explained how the program is a less expensive way of accomplishing the same result; and stated there should be a net reduction in expense for court-appointed attorneys. Discussion ensued on the program, funding, and reporting.
Judge Bruce Jacobus provided further explanation of the program. Chairman O'Brien inquired about the difference in dollars and cents; with Judge Jacobus explaining the net effect. Mr. Jenkins explained the cost offset.
Discussion proceeded on the program, reduction in costs for court-appointed attorneys, and benefits of mediation.
Chairman O'Brien requested a monthly breakdown of all costs including "ghost" costs at the end of the year; and called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Mr. Van Bever advised the federal government has requested that child support enforcement matters be handled more expeditiously; and requested a part-time general master to assist with child support issues at $34,000.
Chairman O'Brien expressed concern about the movement of the Special Master for child support enforcement from Melbourne to Titusville; and requested the full-time Special Master be located in Melbourne and the part-time Master in Titusville. Judge John Moxley explained the space issue; and advised the change can be made.
Commissioner Cook inquired if the $34,000 can come from the Court budget. Discussion ensued on funding the position.
Motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to approve a General Master to assist with domestic relation cases, to be funded from Court Facilities, with the part-time position to be located in Titusville and the full-time position in Melbourne. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman O'Brien noted Court Administration was able to find money in its budget to hire the County's best computer person, without increasing its budget.
Office of Agriculture and Extension Services
Budget Analyst Mary Brant advised the preliminary budget for the Office of Agriculture and Extension Services is substantially unchanged from the current year; the one funded program change is $45,000 to establish the Historical Commission as a program within the Office; and the change includes $9,750 of General Fund support.
Mr. Jenkins advised this is a transfer of the program from Growth Management; most of the money is from book proceeds; and the request of $9,750 is to supplement the proceeds. Ms. Wall advised the $9,750 is to assist with operations as book sales dwindle.
Discussion ensued on the mission of the Historical Commission, the budget prior to involvement in the History of Brevard County, advances on books sales, revenue source, why the Historical Commission is being transferred, what happens to profits from the book, complexity of the Office of Agriculture and Extension Services' budget, staffing issues, and revenue from sale of the book.
Commissioner Scarborough suggested approaching Brevard County bookstores to sell the book with the County getting royalties. Commissioner Voltz inquired about the number of books sold thus far. Mr. Jenkins advised he will bring the issue to the Board at the next budget meeting.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Cook, to direct staff to contact County bookstores to determine if they are willing to stock and sell the County's historical books. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Discussion proceeded on where the funding for the Historical Commission belongs, how it is shown in the budget, problems selling the book, and revenue from the book. Mr. Jenkins advised he will provide a breakdown of the funds.
Board of County Commissioners Offices
Senior Budget Analyst Neil Boynton advised the increase in the total of the budgets for the offices of the County Commissioners is less than 1%; it is due to the full year funding of the merit increase in the current fiscal year; and there are no program changes.
Budget Office
Mr. Boynton advised the Budget Office increase is 2.5% from the current budget due to full year funding of merit increases; and there are no program changes.
Code Compliance Department
Budget Analyst Alicia Khan stated the preliminary budget of the Code Compliance Department reflects a decrease of $247,700 in General Revenue support; and explained how the reduction was achieved. She outlined the requested program changes to reclassify a temporary position to permanent for Address Assignment, purchase capital equipment for Environmental Health Code, and transfer a position to the Office of Emergency Management; and advised there are no unfunded program changes. Mr. Jenkins elaborated on reasons for the program changes.
Chairman O'Brien inquired about the costs for assignment of an address.
Discussion ensued on research and administrative costs for assignment of an address, Property Appraiser being three years behind in mapping subdivisions, the process for address assignment, buying a database, steps being taken to speed up the process, coordinating with BellSouth, the E-911 program, and the number of dwellings in the County.
Mr. Jenkins advised of discussion concerning moving Address Assignment to the Property Appraiser's Office.
County Attorney's Office
Ms. Wall stated the County Attorney's Office has an increase of 2.75% due to funding of merit increases and addition of a Specialist I.
Commissioner Cook requested a breakdown on how much is being spent on outside attorneys.
Discussion ensued on the use of outside attorneys with a degree of specialization for critical litigation, large damage awards, the asbestos case, and there being no guarantees of success even with specialized attorneys.
The meeting recessed at 11:29 a.m. and reconvened at 11:41 a.m.
County Manager's Office
Mr. Boynton advised the County Manager's Office preliminary budget has a 6% decrease due to transfer of an Assistant to the County Manager and Agenda Specialist; the reduction was partially offset by the assumption of part of the cost of Community Development within the budget; and there are no program changes. He advised the function of Assistant to the County Manager for Criminal Justice Services has been transferred to the Public Safety Department as well as the historical cost of $55,000.
Discussion ensued on necessity of filling the position of Assistant to the County Manager for Criminal Justice Services, removing Emergency Management from Public Safety, and adding Court Alternatives to Public Safety. Ms. Wall advised the Emergency Management budget will be discussed on July 17, 1997.
Growth Management Department
Ms. Khan advised the budget for the Growth Management Department decreased 14% reflecting the transfer of the Historical Commission History Book Project to the Agriculture and Extension Services Office, reduced grant carry forward for the MPO program, and reduced balance forward for impact fees. She stated General Fund support increased approximately $54,000 due to reallocation of staff to update the Comprehensive Plan, merit increases, and personnel reclassifications; and there are no requested program changes.
Mr. Jenkins advised the Growth Management Director maximizes the amount of MPO dollars used for staff in those years it will be working on MPO matters; however, in the next year the primary function of staff will be the rewrite of the Comprehensive Plan; and that is the reason for the shift in funding sources.
Discussion ensued on the funding source shift, and transfer of the Historical Commission.
Housing and Human Services
Ms. Wall advised the budget for Housing and Human Services for the next fiscal year decreased by almost 14%; there was also a 1% decrease in the General Fund request; and explained how the reduction was achieved. She advised of the restructuring of Country Acres and the resulting $75,000 reduction.
Discussion ensued on funding for indigent care, implementation of welfare reform and the diversion program, money tied to workfare, and underfunding of HRS District 7.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Cook, to direct the Chairman to send letters to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and the Legislative Delegation requesting assistance in obtaining proper funding for HRS District 7.
Discussion ensued on whether letters should be sent to other delegations.
Commissioner Scarborough amended the motion to include direction to write the Legislative Delegation from District 7 and copy the Commission Chairman of each of the counties as a matter of courtesy.
Chairman O'Brien called for a vote on the motion as amended. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Higgs suggested the status be verified before the letter is written.
Office of Human Resources
Ms. Khan stated the budget for the Office of Human Resources reflects a reduction of approximately 4%; general revenue support for Personnel Services decreased due to the reallocation labor costs and personnel attrition; Risk Management reflects a decrease in balance forward due to insurance rebates issued during the current fiscal year; and no program changes are requested.
Discussion ensued on pilot program for Departments to do their own processing of personnel, and functions and cost of the Medical Examiner, and number of deaths investigated in 1995-96.
Chairman O'Brien requested a breakdown of costs per body for the Medical Examiner; and inquired why is the Medical Examiner not under the Sheriff's Department. Commissioner Cook explained the need for an independent Medical Examiner.
Information Systems/Communication Department
Mr. Boynton stated the preliminary budget reflects a 9.2% decrease; operating expenditures are anticipated to decrease 10%; capital improvements are expected to decrease approximately 36%; the decreases are primarily related to the system changeover; and the mainframe will be turned off at the end of January, 1998. He advised charges for services will remain unchanged; and the general revenue transfer will decrease 1.3% or $26,000. He outlined funded program changes including communication support for the State Attorney's move, adoption of a 10-digit automatic number identification system, development of an E-911 mapping system, acquisition of data collection equipment at various points of service, addition of telecommunications services for the deaf at various points of service, and additional radio equipment and tower connections for the 800 MHZ system; and advised there are four unfunded program changes.
Commissioner Higgs inquired about the E-911 pinpoint service; with Communications Director Joe Lamers explaining the service is for government switches, and does not enhance residential service. Discussion ensued on the service. Mr. Jenkins noted it is an unfunded mandate. Mr. Lamers advised in the future the FCC will mandate the service. Mr. Boynton advised E-911 fees cannot be used for the service.
Law Library
Budget Analyst Shai Francis advised the preliminary budget reflects a decrease of 2.84% due to savings generated from converting one full-time to one part-time position; the $25,000 increased General Fund transfer is due to updating reference materials; and there are no unfunded program changes requested.
Commissioner Cook inquired why the lights are on all night at the Courthouse; with Mr. Jenkins responding they are on for cleaning, but are then turned off. Chairman O'Brien noted the lights in the parking lot are on all night; with Mr. Jenkins advising some lights are kept on for security reasons.
Chairman O'Brien inquired if two law libraries are in operation; with Mr. Jenkins responding there is one law library. Discussion ensued on the law libraries, legal librarians, and law books in public libraries.
Library Services
Ms. Francis advised the preliminary budget reflects a decrease of 1.81% while meeting the obligations of new libraries and increased demand for services; and it reflects no millage increase. She outlined the funded program changes including operating budget for the Suntree-Viera, Mims-Scottsmoor, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Eau Gallie Public Libraries; one-time book purchase for Cocoa Beach, Eau Gallie and West Melbourne Public Libraries; and moving expenses for the new Cocoa Beach and Eau Gallie Public Libraries; and advised there are no unfunded program changes requested. Mr. Jenkins noted the millage is at rollback.
Chairman O'Brien inquired about the building permit problem with the City of Cocoa Beach. Discussion ensued on the problem, what will happen if the permit is not issued, cooperation between governmental entities, debate between architects and City staff, and cost of changes.
Motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to direct the County Manager, County Attorney, Library Services Director, and Public Works Director to meet with the City of Cocoa Beach concerning the Cocoa Beach Public Library to relay the Board's concern about unnecessary monetary burdens to the taxpayers and the need to expedite the building permit.
Discussion ensued on taking action before all the issues are known, the permit process, experience with City of Rockledge, bureaucratic obstacles, and ability to deal with issues once permit is issued. Chairman O'Brien called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Upon motion and vote, the meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
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