January 21, 1999 (workshop)
Jan 21 1999
January 21, 1999
The Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, met in special/workshop session on January 21, 1999, at 10:10 a.m. in the Government Center Florida Room, Building C, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, Florida. Present were: Chairman Truman Scarborough, Commissioners Randy O?Brien, Nancy Higgs, Sue Carlson, and Helen Voltz, County Manager Tom Jenkins, and County Attorney Scott Knox.
Commissioner Voltz advised she will be going to Indianapolis as requested by the Economic Development Council to meet with a company that wants to relocate in her District.
Chairman Scarborough presented documents from Florida Department of Transportation to each Commissioner regarding its intent to lease SR 528 for a guideway transportation system; and advised that Mr. Garfield is tentatively scheduled for the MPO meeting on February 10, 1999. He stated the TDC is very interested in the project and wants a joint meeting; and he and Bob Kamm will meet with EDC Director Lynda Weatherman tomorrow. He recommended each Commissioner meet with appropriate agencies prior to the February 10, 1999 meeting; and noted that the County Attorney will advise the Commissioners of the nature of the meeting to avoid violating the Sunshine Law.
Chairman Scarborough advised Management Services Director Stockton Whitten provided the 2005 Visioning Goals; Goal #1 is "Expand, diversify, and make accessible all the art forms; #2 is maintain and improve County roads and waterways so they are clean, safe and scenic; and ensure accessible, aesthetically pleasing beaches with limited development." He stated goals are becoming extremely difficult to define; staff has tried to define how the Board would implement those goals; and nobody can tell whether the County is meeting the goals or not because they are very subjective. He stated what is an aesthetically pleasing beach to one person may not be to another; and it is the responsibility of the Board, in the goal setting process, to come to a decision that reflects the consensus of the community. He stated throughout the year, the Comprehensive Plan has included goals; and inquired if the Comprehensive Plan is there, why does the Board have goals workshops. He suggested defining a goal mechanism that could move from an idea to the visioning concept; and requested Mr. Jenkins tell the Board what it can do about benchmarking.
County Manager Tom Jenkins advised they took the 2005 Visioning Goals, as well as the County?s Vision and Mission Statement the Board recently approved, and extracted key indicators that would allow the Board to monitor how the community compares to the key indicators. He stated the key indicators would be measurements about the quality of life which would give the Board an indication if it is addressing the issues of public safety, public health, environment, transportation, etc. Mr. Jenkins advised staff would identify the criteria, establish a baseline as to where it is currently, and begin to benchmark over a period of years as to how it is doing off that baseline to determine if the County is getting better or worse. He noted that is a summary of benchmarking and baseline.
Chairman Scarborough advised a concern with benchmarking is taking the past and tracking to the future; therefore, it is benchmarking historically as opposed to looking at the future. He stated some of the things that are going to evolve in the next few decades are going to be rapid and not necessarily historical; and inquired how does the County get futuristic benchmarks. He stated Brevard County has an opportunity to be on the cutting edge of a lot of things; so if it does benchmarking, it needs to benchmark into the future.
Commissioner Carlson suggested staff look at outcomes based on the current goals, look into the future at the best case scenario, and establish the baseline; what the Board has is a start; but it needs to quantify it better. She stated a lot of department heads do not express their feelings because they are under pressure on their budgets and are not able to do what they would like to do; but they could say what they would really like to do and what is the best picture futuristically. Chairman Scarborough stated each department head could be asked if they have an ideal situation. Commissioner Carlson stated they could be asked what would it look like, what would it feel like, is it reasonable, is it a possibility, and reach for the stars, then come back and decide what they have and what they are working with at the baseline. She stated they can look at others, see what their benchmarks are, and determine if it is reasonable to assume that is where they want to be, what has been attained already, and if they can reasonably move there over time.
Chairman Scarborough stated there are probably places written up in professional magazines; and the departments probably have the capacity to get a lot of different data which they are not getting because they are always asked to hold the line and not vision. Commissioner Carlson stated it is dynamic to look in the future, but things change technologically; and they would have to see who has done it already and compare it, which may make individual goals more attainable. She stated the County can reach certain goals; and it will help focus and direct the Board to keep staff more accountable for the goals it wants to attain.
Commissioner Voltz advised some places in Washington State and Colorado have 87 to 97% telecommunicating, and nobody goes to work; there is no traffic on the roads because everyone stays home with their computers; and it is less expense than building facilities. She noted it would be wonderful if Brevard County could do something like that.
Commissioner Higgs advised benchmarking contents are consistent; and if the County does not know where it is, it will never be able to get anywhere because it would not know how to get
there. Chairman Scarborough stated he does not want historical benchmarking; and gave a
scenario about the Great Depression. He stated there could be another great depression, and the high-tech industry may come back, but other things may not be the same; it is constantly evolving; and the departments need to find out who is thinking beyond historical events.
Commissioner Higgs stated the Board may want to focus on the overall quality of life of a community in measuring production of County government, whether it is the poverty rate, crime rate, unemployment rate, or juvenile crime. She stated if the Board keeps significant measures of the quality of life in the community, then it will know where it is, can be accountable to the public, and can direct its resources in those areas.
Chairman Scarborough advised there is technology evolving from Maglev; and inquired if Brevard County wants to be a part of the 1960?s technology, or be where people are flying in from around the world to see its new technology rather than what the Germans have been using for a number of decades. Commissioner Carlson stated the Board is setting goals and objectives to ensure Brevard County defines itself versus someone outside of Brevard County defining it. Chairman Scarborough stated one reason he liked the SAP computer financial package is that it has everything Brevard County wants to evolve into; it is a totally integrated system; if something happens in Personnel, Finance knows about it immediately; and everybody speaks to everybody constantly. He stated it is a cutting edge system that is evolving internationally; so if something happens in Germany or Japan, the group would be able to integrate it into Brevard County. He stated it is not a question of how much is spent this year, but where it will be several decades later; and that million dollars may be the cheapest thing in the history of Brevard County if it wants to become the focal point in the evolving world.
Commissioner Higgs advised one of the measures being used in the State of Florida for transportation is the average time people take to commute to work, and how long they are on the roads; it is a significant measure of people?s lives; if they spend an hour on the road, that is a quality of life issue; and those things can be measured and kept account of by staff so the Board will know how well it is doing in comparison to its current system. She noted it may seem to be measuring current, but in direction it is futuristic.
Chairman Scarborough stated he likes benchmarking; and the County has come a long way in its financial analysis when compared to different counties. He stated when he first came on the Board there was no ability in a financial analysis to look at the budget and know who was spending what; the Board has the responsibility for overall integrity of the budget and to have the financial capacity to move forward; and if it does not, it fails in its responsibility to the 400,000 plus people who live in Brevard County.
Mr. Jenkins stated it takes a lot of work to do both, but staff may be able to do it. He stated the departments could vision what is realistically ideal in terms of what they would like to see, whether it be the ability to maintain parks or innovations in animal services, but not pie-in-the- sky. He stated they could also provide the Board the measurements of where they are today. Commissioner Carlson stated everyone?s interpretation of pie-in-the-sky is different, so Mr. Jenkins may be suppressing someone who really has great ideas if he says be realistic and keep it within those parameters. Mr. Jenkins stated it is not realistic to have a police officer or animal control officer on every block; so they have to balance their ideas with some reasonableness. He stated they could do that, then measure where the County is today and where it wants to be. He stated in terms of quality of life as a whole, staff needs to take key indicators, baseline them, and measure them over a period of time; and one is specific in terms of programmatic, and the other is more of a narrative on the community as a whole. Mr. Jenkins stated staff has been playing with indicators behind the scenes; for example, Commissioner Higgs mentioned hours on the road; that could be looked at in two ways--(1) waste of two hours commuting, and (2) a choice of living in Scottsmoor and working in Melbourne.
Commissioner Higgs stated no indicator is perfect, nor is it the total picture, so for the things the Board is concerned about, there has to be multiple indicators. She stated if the crime rate drops, it cannot be the only indicator because there are violent crimes, juvenile crimes, crime against property, etc.; and all those are indicators. Mr. Jenkins stated they would have to look at all the indicators and ramifications, and come up with key indicators in each major area.
Commissioner O'Brien stated the Board needs to talk to the School Board and discuss the drop out rate which relates to juvenile crime. Chairman Scarborough inquired if the Board would like to have a workshop with the School Board; with Commissioner Voltz responding that is one of her goals. Mr. Jenkins stated they talked to the School Board?s staff and got what they thought their key measurements are. Chairman Scarborough stated Commissioner O'Brien wants a joint meeting with the School Board. Commissioner O'Brien stated this Board takes care of juvenile justice; the School Board has juvenile crime problems on its property; the drop out rate has increased; and the number of children graduating from high school is down to 70% and getting worse. He stated perhaps this Board can work with the School Board to lower the rate of juveniles who appear before a judge; and that would reduce the cost of operating the courts. He stated the Board also needs to work on the level of education and insist it be raised because of economic development; large companies will not come here with their employees if the schools are below average; the schools in Florida are terrible; Florida rates about 46 out of 50 states in education; and inquired why the school systems up north are more superior than Florida schools when they get the same amount of money. Commissioner Higgs inquired if the Board?s question to the School Board would be how can it help to raise the standards; with Commissioner O'Brien responding yes. He stated Florida has school boards in every county; no town or city has a school board; in New Jersey, every town has a school board and the counties have none; and their standards are higher and their level of education is superior to Florida?s system. He stated they collect their own taxes and run their own schools. Commissioner Higgs inquired if the benchmarks are higher percentage of children graduating, higher test scores, and lower juvenile crime. Commissioner O'Brien advised of two junior high schools on Merritt Island that scored below the national median. Commissioner Higgs indicated agreement to meet with the School Board to see what they can jointly do to produce better scores and outcomes. Chairman Scarborough suggested an attitude of how the Board can help rather than try to tell the School Board how to do its job.
Commissioner Carlson stated the key to education is not comparing within our own structure, but comparing ourselves outside of Florida, and using a benchmark outside of the State. Commissioner Voltz stated the Board should find out who is #1 and go there to find out how they are doing it. Chairman Scarborough stated the Board does not have to invent the wheel, it just has to look at the wheel; they cannot do the same things in Florida that is done in New Hampshire, but they can take things from every state and make our system better; and the County can do the same from Animal Control to Libraries. He stated there may be ideas from other states that would be more exciting. Commissioner Voltz stated economic development businesses look at what Brevard County has and compare it to other areas.
Chairman Scarborough passed the gavel to Vice Chairman Higgs.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to allow staff to travel anywhere in the United States to view premier facilities at the discretion of the County Manager, and return with a report to the Board on what are the most dynamic things that are happening. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner O'Brien advised Brevard County does not have a good trade school; it should get together with the School Board, Legislative Delegation, Brevard Community College (BCC), and Chambers of Commerce, and form a task force to look at construction and funding a trade schools in neighborhoods where they are needed most, and not at BCC campuses where students cannot get to them. Commissioner Higgs stated they could get to the campuses if the Board does a better job of coordinating transit issues. She stated there are opportunities to get transit money as a result of the Miami Rail that Governor Bush canceled; and if Brevard County does a better job of getting grant funds, even if the trade schools are at BCC campuses, children can move around the community better. She stated there are many things this Board can do to help the School Board get to where it wants the school system to be. Commissioner Carlson advised Tom Gamble, new President of BCC, has similar views of more outreach into communities like West Cocoa; and he may be a good person to invite to a workshop along with other educators. Commissioner O'Brien stated the County Manager?s office can facilitate that. Commissioner Higgs stated the Board could develop an agenda for the meeting on how could it help to get vocational education, better test scores, and lower juvenile crime, then they could have dialogue on those issues.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to authorize a joint meeting with the School Board to discuss visioning goals.
Commissioner Carlson inquired if the meeting should include all entities of government, including the judiciary; with Chairman Scarborough responding it could get out of hand, so it may be better just to have the two entities.
Discussion ensued on where to hold the joint meeting with the School Board, portable cameras to video tape the meeting, and compilation of goals and benchmarks.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, to ask staff to build a system of benchmarking on key quality of life indicators consistent with the visioning statements.
Chairman Scarborough recommended the benchmarking come back to the Board as proposals. Commissioner Higgs suggested starting with benchmarking consistent with the goals, then making separate motions to deal with the issues of looking beyond the current. She stated her
motion is to come back to the Board with a report on the goals and benchmarking for the Board to look at and evaluate. Commissioner Carlson inquired how much time will staff be given; with Commissioner Higgs responding 90 days. Mr. Jenkins stated staff has been working on it and could have it back in 30 days. Chairman Scarborough recommended it be put on the Consent Agenda and if there are comments from Commissioners they could pull it. Commissioner Voltz recommended each department head brief each Commissioner on what it is they have done. Chairman Scarborough stated those are measuring tools of how Brevard County compares with the capacity to handle things; the Board should have the benchmarks initially; and as it gets into discussions with the School Board and staff, it may have to adjust the benchmarks for things that are more important that were not addressed.
Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Chairman Scarborough called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Motion by Commissioner Carlson, to direct staff to go to department heads and ask for what they think are the outcomes in the same 30 days.
Mr. Jenkins advised they have not started that portion; and requested 60 days. Commissioner Carlson agreed to 60 days. Chairman Scarborough stated he does not want it to drag on too far because it will lose momentum; and recommended a workshop before summer break. He stated the early months of the year should be for planning so they do not end up with things coming in while they are finalizing the budget. He inquired if staff would be able to report back on the premier operations in the country by then; with Mr. Jenkins responding they will do it before summer break. Chairman Scarborough stated it can be very dynamic to go and learn things by seeing the operations; and the cost is minimal compared to the knowledge gained by seeing the best operations in the country.
Commissioner Voltz advised Charleston, South Carolina, has the lowest juvenile crime rate because their police chief is very hard on juveniles; he is known nationally for what he does with juveniles; and she was going to make arrangements to go there with a police officer to see what they are doing.
Commissioner Higgs suggested getting recommendations from the County Manager and Human Resources Director on the best places to work, as there are some wonderful things being done. Commissioner Voltz inquired what is meant by the best places to work; with Commissioner Higgs responding what makes the top 100 companies great places to work in. She stated that is how the best people are attracted and kept; so how to get, keep, and reward the best people, which delivers the best products, should be included in the exploration.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to direct the County Manager and Human Resources Director to investigate what makes a great place to work in and include that in the exploration. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Scarborough suggested asking EDC to critique the best in the country and world, take those elements, and lay them down to see our strong points and weak points and report on what would be the ideal place in the world for a high-tech evolving technological community. Chairman Scarborough passed the gavel to Vice Chairman Higgs.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to ask EDC to critique the best in the country and world and report to the Board on what would be the ideal place in the world for a high-tech evolving technological community. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Vice Chairman Higgs passed the gavel back to Chairman Scarborough.
Chairman Scarborough inquired about inviting the new BCC President to a workshop; with Commissioner Carlson responding the education workshop. Commissioner Carlson stated it is an ongoing effort; and once the Board gets a baseline and determines what it wants to do, it may be appropriate to have an oversight committee like the Visioning Committee. Chairman Scarborough suggested the Board work on it first. He indicated different agencies will vision their specialties as priorities, such as the Sheriff with quality law enforcement and the arts group with quality of the arts. Commissioner Carlson stated the Board is starting to establish a process and needs to have oversight of that process. Chairman Scarborough once the Board sees the idealized quality community that would be the best in the world in a couple of decades, it would be able to see a different perspective; and there are some things only the Board can do.
Mr. Jenkins inquired if the best way to approach the School Board is to tell them the County wants to assist them. Commissioner Carlson inquired if the School Board is setting goals; with Chairman Scarborough responding what goals are to one person may not be to another person. Mr. Jenkins requested Commissioners give him their issues and he would share it with the School Board. Chairman Scarborough suggested the Board define its goals, then have a meeting with the School Board to talk about long-range quality goals. Mr. Jenkins noted Commissioner O'Brien mentioned trade schools, someone mentioned transportation, and there may be others; and requested each Commissioner send him their issues.
Commissioner Higgs stated the Board sees education as critical to the quality of life; the measures it has seen indicate the Board needs to help and wants to know from the School Board what it can do to help; and if they do not stack up, then the Board may not be able to do what is important for the community, which is have high quality businesses wanting to come here. Commissioner Voltz stated the School Board does not deal with the same quality of life issues the Board does; its focus is strictly on schools; this Board focuses on dogs, health care, unemployment, welfare, etc.; and unless they see things from this Board?s perspective, and this Board sees things from their perspective, there is no way to work out the issues. Mr. Jenkins inquired if the purpose of the meeting is to ask the School Board what the Board can do to assist them to improve the quality of education. Commissioner O'Brien suggested asking the School Board how it can help the Board to achieve its goals on quality of life issues for the entire population of Brevard County because there are problems in economic development directly related to the standard of education. Commissioner Voltz noted there are juvenile crime
problems because of truancy. Mr. Jenkins stated he could ask the School Board how it can assist the Board.
Chairman Scarborough stated if the Board has what it is trying to create on the table, it may set the tone; and recommended holding off on scheduling a joint meeting with the School Board until it has more products to share, but tell the School Board this Board feels it is important to have shared goals and responsibilities. Mr. Jenkins advised he could tell the School Board the Board wants a joint meeting to discuss trade schools and higher education levels; and that the County will show them what it needs to enhance the quality of life in Brevard County, so they can be preparing their list. Commissioner Higgs suggested sharing the County?s goals and benchmarks with them. Chairman Scarborough stated Brevard County is part of the East Central Florida region; it has people going to UCF, using the Airport in Orlando, going to Disney, etc.; and if they can vision as a region it would be wonderful. Commissioner Voltz suggested getting Brevard County first; with Chairman Scarborough responding if the Board stops at the Brevard County line, it will fail. He stated the Board should take its visioning and ask the region to do visioning.
Discussion ensued on the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council exchanging information, Orange County sharing their perspective of what they are doing, and road maintenance cost to Osceola County for roads in the southwest to be billed to Brevard County.
Chairman Scarborough advised this is a preliminary discussion to get things on the table and get some consensus on them; and all the subsequent things may be supplemented when staff reports back on what the best is in the country.
Commissioner Voltz advised one of her goals is landscaping of roadways; and it seemed that the major bulk of funding went to South Brevard roadways. She stated St. Johns River Water Management District is taking on Crane Creek Drainage District as a project; it is funding a study to look at flooding from Wickham Road south to C-54 canal east and west; and it is being looked at as a regional issue. She noted the transfer station in South County will be coming up; and hopefully the Board will support that. Commissioner Higgs inquired if the report is in; with Mr. Jenkins responding they have a basic list of approximately ten locations; some are not doable; and staff will meet with the two South Commissioners to go over the sites and pare those down. Commissioner Voltz stated the ideal spot would be the end of Malabar Road which could tie into the beltway and keep trucks off local roads.
Commissioner Voltz advised they need boat docks in South County. Commissioner Higgs agreed there is a need for boat docks; stated one will open on Turkey Creek which should help; and they are reviewing a number of sites, but she has not made a determination on the use of District 3 Beach and Riverfront funds because she is trying to use it to solve the Mullet Creek issue that the Board authorized her to negotiate.
Commissioner Voltz stated the Board needs to look at how to stop juvenile crimes; it is running rampant in Brevard County; and a lot of it is violent juvenile crimes. Chairman Scarborough stated the Board funds the Sheriff who runs that operation, so it works through another elected official; and maybe it could discuss with the Sheriff different approaches that are being used
around the country. Commissioner Higgs inquired if the Children?s Services Council (CSC) is still working on the Comprehensive Juvenile Community Plan; stated the comprehensive strategy is where the Board should go; and if the CSC is not moving it, the Board should push it along. Commissioner Voltz stated they applied for a $100,000 grant from the Eckerd Foundation for assessments and programs at the Juvenile Assessment Center. Chairman Scarborough instructed Commissioner Voltz to schedule a workshop on juvenile crime.
Commissioner Voltz advised another goal is getting a four-year educational institute; and noted Palm Bay Campus is breaking ground to have UCF bring its engineering program to Palm Bay.
Chairman Scarborough stated Congressman Weldon?s analysis showed Central Florida is lacking in quality programs in higher education recognized nationally and internationally; in many places such as North Carolina, Austin, Texas, Stanford, etc., they have strong university support; and the Board needs to address the necessity for local governments, industry, and higher education to be partners.
Commissioner Carlson advised her first goal is goal setting to make sure the County is focused, using its resources wisely, and maintaining cash reserves. She stated the cash reserve is 13% of the general revenue; and it gives 3% above the norm, but she would feel more comfortable if it could be more because Y2K is an unknown. Commissioner O'Brien stated government should not hold money hostage when not required; 10% is the norm; and inquired why should the Board go above the norm. He stated it is not the Board?s money to keep; it may have to raise taxes to do that; and it should run government by doing the norm. Commissioner Voltz stated people would appreciate it that the Board has set aside funds if there is a disaster in the year 2000. Commissioner O'Brien stated that is why there is FEMA and insurance programs; and the Board can borrow money just as fast as it can spend it. Commissioner Carlson stated Y2K may not mean anything, but the Board does not know that; and inquired if there is a problem and the Board needs to purchase equipment, etc., how will it get the money; with Commissioner O'Brien responding borrow it with a low interest rate. Commissioner Higgs stated she is not opposed to looking at the issue of reserves as part of the budget process; the Board will know more about the Y2K issue as it goes along; it has been through wild fires, hurricanes, tornadoes and other disasters during the past six years; so she is willing to look at it, but it is not a top priority as a panic issue. Commissioner O'Brien stated if the Board has reserves and the computers go down, it cannot use the reserves.
Mr. Jenkins advised at one time the cash reserve was as high as 17%; he and Ms. Wall picked 13% as a fair number because the industry norm, in terms of what is acceptable by the financial rating services, is approximately 10%; and they wanted to be slightly above that norm to enhance the credit standing and make the County credit worthy. He stated there are a number of variables in revenues; property taxes are relatively fixed, but there are variables in State sales tax, State revenue sharing, and other items; and rather than allow the cash forward to decline further, it would be best to stabilize it with a little cushion. Mr. Jenkins advised that money is used as cash flow in the beginning of the fiscal year before the County receives much revenue; and if they do not have that, they would have to borrow and pay interest.
Commissioner O'Brien inquired if Mr. Jenkins? statement about 13% helping the County?s credit standing is direct knowledge or just feel; with Mr. Jenkins responding rating services do an assessment for bond ratings; they look at the financial status; and if there is more than the norm, they look at the County as a good client. Commissioner O'Brien inquired how much is saved with a triple A rating, and is it more than the 3% being held; with Mr. Jenkins responding the County is earning a higher interest than it is paying. Commissioner O'Brien inquired if the reserve was reduced to 10%, would the affect be worse, catastrophic, terrible, or minimal. Budget Director Kathy Wall advised they would have to do an analysis to determine the affect. She stated she and Mr. Jenkins decided to stabilize at 13% because the County was borrowing funds to get through October, November, and December before taxes came in. She stated she could talk to Mr. Holley to find out what a basis point of an A versus AAA would cost the County. Commissioner O'Brien stated he would also like to know what it equals in dollars. Ms. Wall noted right now Brevard County is a double A rated county. Commissioner O'Brien stated that is not the point; it could be a single A county and the difference between double and single could be 1/20th of 1%. Mr. Jenkins advised Ms. Wall will get those figures for Commissioner O'Brien. Commissioner Carlson noted she asked Tom Holley about the cost of bond insurance with increased ratings. Commissioner O'Brien stated he wants to know if holding 3% will save $500,000.
Chairman Scarborough gave a scenario of buying a financial package for one million dollars instead of two million dollars to keep reserves at 14% rather than 13% and losing an opportunity; and stated his concern is the loss of an opportunity rather than bonds if there is not sufficient reserves. Commissioner O'Brien stated there will not be a missed opportunity because there will always be 10% in reserves. Commissioner Voltz suggested asking Lynda Weatherman how a company would see it and would it be detrimental to business coming to Brevard County. Chairman Scarborough stated the County is designed to move to higher quality and lower taxes; it has a plan that is working; and over time it will accomplish that task. He stated increased quality of life brings higher property values which leads to lower taxes; and if the Board accomplishes those three objectives, it will be doing well.
Commissioner Carlson advised the goals in the Comprehensive Plan get pushed back and are never achieved; and inquired if staff could be more realistic; and stated if they are in the Comprehensive Plan, can they be accomplished with the resources available in the time allowed; and if not, they need to reevaluate when those things can be done. She stated she reviewed the Conservation Element and came up with 15 goals, most of which were pushed off; and she has questions about that in terms of planning. She stated she would like to see the Comprehensive Plan goals be realistic and go along with the visioning the Board will be doing. Commissioner Carlson stated a major concern is crime against children; there is legislation Senator Kurth is going to push this year; if there is a crime against a child, there is no direction that child can go; and the Board should support any organization that can legitimately provide services if something is done against a child. She stated crime against children should be kept in perspective as part of the program that doles out money to various organizations.
Commissioner Higgs advised her #1 goal is to use 1999 to plan for 2000 and beyond for Brevard County was covered; the three new libraries have an interest in seeing things happen in the not to distant future; and she would like to see the Board come up with a way to get projects
rolling this year. She stated regarding the juvenile issues, she wants to look at after school and prevention programs and ways to enhance those programs. Commissioner Voltz suggested incorporating that into the workshop with the Children Services Council. Commissioner Higgs stated the Board supported the healthy kids program; they will need additional help to access private money; and she would like to see the Board support that because healthy kids who are able to learn are not as likely to be part of the juvenile crime program. She stated she is looking forward to the ten-year road plan, and the Comprehensive Management Plan for the Lagoon needs continued support. Commissioner Higgs stated money may be available from the defunct bullet train project, so staff should move forward to explore that new money in public transit and utilities to determine what is out there and how it can be used.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to direct staff to move forward quickly to explore the new money that may be available from public transit and utilities, and come back with a report to the Board on what is there and how it can be used. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Higgs advised the issue of Barefoot Bay Utilities is on the Agenda for Tuesday?s meeting; it has been a long issue for those people; and requested the Board look at it because it is important.
Commissioner O'Brien stated someone requested staff and the Board work with UCF to develop a school on Merritt Island for aeronautical and Space engineering which would bring a specific kind of university system to Central Florida, mostly Brevard County. He stated UCF is becoming an outstanding university for the State of Florida; it does not mean that Orlando has to have the majority of it; and Brevard County needs a college campus. He stated it is important to the economic development image, and the professors are already here for an aerospace engineering college.
Chairman Scarborough stated the State is creating a tiered system; UCF is not in the top tier, but will be in the second tier; and he has not heard the issue brought up at the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council or the Brevard Delegation fighting to make sure it is in the top tier. He stated East Central Florida is a sorry area of the State, yet it has the most dynamic things; and the Board should and make sure UCF is in the top tier and that it has different colleges develop in Brevard County because it is the only place in the country that is uniquely situated. He stated East Central Florida is failing on so many fronts because the political leadership is not doing its job; and it is millions of dollars in lost opportunities because they are not out fighting. Commissioner Voltz recommended putting it in the legislative package with specifics of what the Board would like to see and urge the Delegation to go and get it. Commissioner Higgs stated conversation with the President of Brevard Community College could be a concept, and suggested talking to F.I.T. because it received $25 million. Chairman Scarborough stated there are three universities that work together to bring in industry; M.I.T. and Harvard are both in Boston which increases the clout that holds that community; and Brevard County has to quit looking at itself. Commissioner Higgs stated there are the EDC and QUP; and inquired if there is a higher education council that meets, and if so, Brevard County
should be a part of that. Chairman Scarborough stated the Board is the only entity that can make it happen; Orange County is progressive; and inquired if the Board wants to have a joint meeting with Orange County.
Motion by Commissioner Voltz, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to authorize a meeting with Orange County Commission.
Commissioner Higgs recommended Chairman Scarborough talk to the Chairman of Orange County Commission to determine if there is something to talk about. Chairman Scarborough stated there is, because nothing is happening; and if people are not told there is a problem, nothing will happen. Chairman Scarborough stated he will meet with the Chairman on the concept that the Board thinks there is a tragic failure in East Central Florida, and Orange County needs to play a key roll in making it work.
Chairman Scarborough called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Scarborough recommended Commissioner O'Brien to meet with Dr. Hitt at UCF.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to authorize Commissioner O'Brien to meet with the President of UCF, Dr. Hitt regarding an aerospace engineering college in Brevard County. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner O'Brien stated the Board can take the leadership roll in the County that Chairman Scarborough said is lacking. Chairman Scarborough stated if Orange County is in, then Brevard and Orange Counties can win and run the area. Commissioner O'Brien stated as leaders of this community, the Board can be very dynamic in achieving the important goals; and if it can convince UCF that a college of aerospace aeronautical engineering would be appropriate to be built in Brevard County, not at BCC campus, but a UCF campus, it would achieve an important goal. Commissioner Voltz suggested industrial bonds to help them build a college here. Commissioner O'Brien suggested going to the Board of Regions and Legislative Delegation in Tallahassee to push for UCF to build a college of aerospace in Brevard County.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to direct Guy Spearman to get someone on the Board of Regions from the Brevard County area. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner O'Brien advised one goal he wants to attain is to continue to roll back taxes; and it took years to get them as high as they were, and will take years to get them back down.
Commissioner O'Brien stated on the Barge Canal is a 24-acre parcel of land; Mr. Rabon said they received funding to remove the derelict barge that sunk in Sykes Creek; so the area will make a great fishing hole. He stated District 2 Parks and Recreation has $75,000 which could be used to build a dock along Sykes Creek and part of the Barge Canal; but the Board needs to get the Delegation to agree Brevard County deserves a couple of State parks. Commissioner Voltz noted the County should have at least three State parks, North, Central and South. Commissioner O'Brien stated Brevard County builds its own parks so quickly that the State does not want to give it parks. He stated there is $250,000 that Department of Environmental Protection insists must be spent on boat ramps for clammers; and if it can be used in the Barge Canal, the Port may contribute. He recommended State parks be put in the legislative package.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to include a request for State parks in the legislative package. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Scarborough agreed with a boat ramp in the Barge Canal area because it is a key location; and stated with I-95 and SR 528 being limited access roads, people can get there fairly comfortably from several areas of the County.
Commissioner O'Brien stated he hopes the Board can come to terms with grounds maintenance this year; and it privatize it with two companies or one large company.
Commissioner O'Brien stated there are neighborhoods that are old and rundown; houses need new roofs and paint; and with CDBG funds they have been taking one house at a time on the premise others would fix theirs up, but it does not work. He suggested the County buy blocks, raze houses and put up affordable housing, and work with the Housing Authority so low-income people who qualify will have a place to go that is livable and take the scourge out of entire neighborhoods. Chairman Scarborough stated it would be something various boards can look into knowing the Board wants to be more aggressive. Commissioner O'Brien stated if the Board is to be a leader in the community, it needs to not only beautify areas, but also remove blighted areas. Commissioner Voltz stated there may be enough CDBG money to tap into other funds for large-scale projects; and Fannie Mae is another great source that works on big projects. She stated Census Tract 626 is probably the worse in the country and something the Board needs to be address. She stated if the County does large tracts, people will see what they have in their community; and will want to improve it. Commissioner O'Brien advised the Board is charged with roads and bridges and also the human condition; and if it works on this concept, it will have done the right thing. Commissioner Voltz inquired if the Board wants to set something up with Fannie Mae to look at some of the projects.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, to set something up with Fannie Mae, and also set up a small task force of staff to look into other major programs that may be available.
Chairman Scarborough recommended a report from the CDBG Board and Housing Authority on the concept of taking over entire neighborhoods. Mr. Jenkins stated staff will do a report.
Commissioner O'Brien advised the Board will have access to the government channel this year; and it should have other cameras to tape the joint meeting with the School Board. He noted this workshop should have been televised. Commissioner Voltz stated the Board does most of its work in workshops. Commissioner O'Brien recommended Sharon Luba put together a presentation for the Board that explains how it can have access.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, to plan on funding the purchase of other cameras or equipment for other meetings, such as the Zoning Board and other boards that the Board wants to televise, to get as much information to the public.
Chairman Scarborough stated the Board not only needs to know what it can do, but also how much it will cost. Commissioner Voltz inquired about the time line; with Sharon Luba responding the channel will be online in 60 days.
Commissioner Voltz seconded the motion. Chairman Scarborough called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Mr. Jenkins advised they have a steering committee of local government representatives that share the government channel; they started off with scroll information because of finances; and inquired if the Board now wants to take it to the next level; with Chairman Scarborough responding yes, to show parks, libraries, and how various departments operate. He stated it is a tremendous ability to give wonderful information to the public that people will appreciate.
Commissioner O'Brien advised a goal the Board should actively pursue is grants that may be available, and lobbying efforts to assist the Children?s Services Council process.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to direct staff to pursue grants that are available for children programs, and lobby people in Tallahassee who are involved in the process. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Higgs advised she would like to see the County become #1 in collections in its libraries; and if it had a library foundation with volunteers working to pull together money to supplement the collection fund for books, it could be accomplished. She stated she would like to see staff work on a foundation or nonprofit group to get money for libraries.
Commissioner Voltz stated the same is true for juveniles; they should have a juvenile foundation to go after more money than an individual, so they are talking about setting up a juvenile foundation.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to get a report back from staff on the concept of a library foundation. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Scarborough advised he talked about advancing the roll the elderly play, not only in Brevard County, but in the nation; they are retiring earlier and living longer; there are different ages of retirees; Brevard County is a beautiful place where retirees want to move to; and they are both beneficial and detrimental. He stated there needs to be a comprehension of what the dynamics of retirees are; and inquired if the County is optimizing the ability to bring in retirees with good pensions who have done things of a higher level so they can serve on the library boards, Zoning Board, etc. He stated there has never been a real analysis of historically where the dynamics of age is going in the country or State; and there may be certain key elements that the County could tweak that would not cost a lot of money, such as what retirees would like to see in parks, etc. that would give Brevard County an edge over Martin County or Lee County. He noted once the technical data is put together, maybe more people can define what retirees? likes are; and the best way to find out is to ask retirees.
Commissioner Carlson inquired why TDC did not do studies on that; with Chairman Scarborough responding the TDC is involved in bringing in people and putting them in motel beds, and have not asked that question. He stated each Commissioner could appoint one retiree to a committee, perhaps one who is an early retiree, an older retiree, a recent retiree, someone who is 90 years old, to get a mixture. He stated they could come back and tell the Board what they need in terms of facilities, etc. and give a different view. Commissioner Voltz suggested asking people why they would not move here, and if they are here, what would make them move some where else. Commissioner Carlson mentioned the Home Builders Association; and Chairman Scarborough stated it would be a good group to have representation on the committee. Commissioner Carlson advised of developments in her District where all the residents are from New Jersey; they did not know each other; they were targeted; and she wonders how that occurred. Chairman Scarborough stated a lot of people from the Panama Canal Zone moved to North Brevard; and a lot of people just happen to come by, some of them on boats; so marinas are important to those people. He stated there are people who would be glad to talk things over and come up with how the Board can create a positive Brevard County for that major sector. Commissioner Voltz stated if a committee is appointed, it would need a key person who knows what the Board is looking for. Mr. Jenkins advised there is the Silver-haired Legislature and Senior Centers that have good people who could be brought together and asked what makes this an attractive community, what does the County not have that they would like, and what are the things that they do not like about the community. Chairman Scarborough stated there are some books that have been published, and Brevard County does not rate well; he will have those copied for all the Commissioners; but many retirees think Brevard County is wonderful. Commissioner Voltz stated retirees contribute to school taxes and everything else, but do not stress any services; so it is a goal the Board needs to look at and determine what percentage of elderly should it have here that could give it a good balance.
Chairman Scarborough inquired if Brevard County can project itself as a desirable place to desirable retirees. He recommended staff get statistical data together and make a report to the Board, so it can think about a committee and come up with concepts of where it can go. Chairman Scarborough stated the next meeting will have staff presentations on the idealized concepts of libraries, etc. Mr. Jenkins stated they will also have benchmarks and baselines completed before the summer vacation.
The meeting recessed at 12:17 p.m., and reconvened at 1:10 p.m.
Chairman Scarborough advised at the end of the last meeting, staff was to come back and describe for the Board what is substantive; and inquired if Mr. Scott wants to tell the Board about it.
Planning and Zoning Manager Mel Scott advised staff provided the Board an overview of all proposed amendments on the front of each Element, and shared the overriding philosophy staff embraced in going forward with the update. He stated staff tried to make changes that would update, remove obsolete dates and terminology to improve readability of the document, increase flexibility, and reflect current County initiatives and operating procedures, etc. He noted they also identified several places within each Element where they want to focus the Board?s attention; and the main intent of the workshop is for the Board to tell staff how well it has done, or if it had done what it stated.
County Manager Tom Jenkins requested Mr. Scott clarify a comment made at the last meeting about the ability to have the resources to meet all the goals; with Mr. Scott responding Commissioner Carlson indicated there were a lot of promises in the Comprehensive Plan, things that staff endeavored to undertake and which have attached to that committed resources; and he said when there is a commitment to resources, it says "shall," and when there is not a commitment to resources, it says "should". He stated there are probably initiatives in the Plan that staff does not have the resources to execute; one exercise they did when the Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1988 was the annual monitoring of the Plan and the Evaluation Report; they had each objective that promised to do something set up in a matrix; and at the end of each year, they gave the Board a progress report. Commissioner Carlson inquired if staff has the resources to do those; with Mr. Scott responding if there was a resource impediment, it would be identified; and that happened on certain occasions. Mr. Scott advised the exercise was mandated by the State at the onset of the Comprehensive Plan; as the years went on, all communities stopped doing it and the document became something that was attached at the end of the Capital Improvements Plan every year; and it started to lose focus, so he asked Department of Community Affairs if they were still expecting the report every year and they said no; so the annual monitoring fell by the wayside. He noted it remains a valuable tool if appropriate spotlight remains on it; and they would be willing to re-undertake that initiative. Commissioner Voltz inquired if staff found it worth the effort; with Mr. Scott responding they should be monitoring their successes, and it dovetails into benchmarking. Mr. Jenkins advised he directed staff to start doing it last week.
Commissioner Higgs stated it holds the Board accountable for what it adopted; and if the Board is told it does not have the resources to do it, then the Board has to be accountable for it. Mr. Jenkins advised staff indicated they had the ability to do that, but until it is assessed, he does not know; and they need to bring the issue back to the Board if they find they do not have the resources. Commissioner Voltz inquired when was the last time it was done; with Mr. Scott responding probably 1995. Commissioner Voltz asked that a copy of the 1995 report be sent to each Commissioner to see if that is what they want. Assistant County Manager Peggy Busacca noted it was not a particularly useful report at that time. Commissioner Carlson stated the
Board needs to have costs associated with the projects and resources that are going to be allocated. Mr. Scott stated they could resume where they left off.
Commissioner Carlson advised a lot of information on offshore drilling is deleted from page 8; and the only sentence kept is the last one regarding leases. She inquired if some of the stronger language should be retained so the message is emphasized, such as "Offshore drilling has potential to negatively impact fisheries which is an important component of Brevard?s economy," and the last three sentences to follow those in Policy 4.10. She inquired if it is incorporated under the Coastal Management Element. Assistant County Manager Stephen Peffer advised County government has very little jurisdiction over offshore drilling; the best it can do is make its feelings known through federal commenting groups; and the change is to reflect the realities. Chairman Scarborough stated a lot of times if it is in the Comprehensive Plan it gets a higher level of comment; and inquired if it would help to have it as part of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Peffer stated if it is kept in the Comprehensive Plan as is, it would give staff direction to discourage leases. Mr. Scott stated the directives that are being deleted are statements of fact regarding offshore drilling; and Policy 4.10 says the County should be able to review and comment. Commissioner Higgs stated it does not say the County should review and comment on offshore drilling. Commissioner O'Brien stated if the State wanted to put a lease in Brevard County, the County would comment anyhow.
Commissioner Carlson advised page 9, Native Vegetation, has nothing in Policy 7.1 that says native vegetation should be used to the maximum extent possible. Mr. Scott stated Criterion D can include it.
Chairman Scarborough inquired what events trigger looking at Soil Erosion Objective 7, Policy 7.1; with Conrad White responding development along the shoreline. Chairman Scarborough stated maybe it should not require native or non-native, but a type of vegetation that would require less insecticides; and inquired if the Board should look at native species that do not require pesticides. Commissioner Higgs stated plants have to be appropriate to the site. Chairman Scarborough inquired what does "appropriate" mean; with Commissioner Higgs commenting they would not put a mangrove in a scrub area. Mr. Jenkins suggested "biologically appropriate"; and Mr. White suggested "geographically appropriate". Commissioner O'Brien stated if a person wants to landscape his lot, "appropriate" covers everything; it is his land, and it is up to him what type of plants he uses; and inquired why does the Board want to control everyone?s lives. Chairman Scarborough stated it could create an imbalance with nature if it moves too far away from the habitat, and could become inhabitable for humans as well. Commissioner Higgs suggested "biologically appropriate"; and Commissioner O'Brien noted he would go along with that.
Commissioner Carlson advised page 11, third paragraph from the bottom, says, "Habitat ordinance is being created"; and inquired if staff has started on the ordinance; with Mr. White responding it has been initiated. Commissioner Carlson inquired if there is a date for completing the ordinance; with Ms. Busacca responding Policy 9.2 says it will be done by the year 2002.
Commissioner Carlson advised, page 11, Species of Special Concern, should be inserted in Objective 9. Mr. Scott stated staff has done that; and Ms. Busacca stated they will do that throughout the Plan.
Commissioner Carlson inquired why State policy references are being deleted; with Mr. Scott responding they prevented the Comprehensive Plan from keeping its directive.
Commissioner Carlson advised page 14, Policy 1.5, says by 2002 develop and adopt standards; and inquired if the date could be moved up. Mr. Peffer stated the Board gave staff direction, as part of the power plant direction, so they will go through and look at many of the issues. Chairman Scarborough stated he would like to see it during 1999 so it does not come back to a different Board. He passed the gavel to Vice Chairman Higgs.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to change 2002 in Policy 1.5 and Policy 1.4 to 1999. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Carlson advised Policy 8.3 on page 38 talks about development in environmentally-friendly mode; and inquired if there is a reason to insert it in Policy 2.1 because of energy saving; with Ms. Busacca responding the current landscape and LDR do not take into accord creativity that could be done on site; and the intent of Policy 8.3 is to have creativity which could include energy saving methods. Commissioner Carlson inquired if development should be defined or if Policy 8.3 is enough; with Mr. Peffer responding when the ordinances are developed they will bring all of it together.
Commissioner Carlson read page 15, Policy 2.2, and recommended leaving "for" new construction and deleting "during".
Mr. Scott advised on page 20, A and B include linear feet and shoreline buffer; and inquired if there should be a limit. Commissioner Higgs suggested leaving A and B. Commissioner O'Brien inquired what is staff trying to do; with Debbie Coles responding it is in the Ordinance; and staff wanted to put general guidelines in the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner O'Brien inquired why a 25-foot shoreline buffer; with Mr. White responding so runoff does not impact the Indian River Lagoon. Ms. Busacca stated it would leave the natural vegetation so there would be less pollution, as they would not fertilize mangroves. Commissioner Voltz inquired why is it being taken out; with Mr. White responding because it is in the Ordinance. Mr. Peffer stated A limits operations in the buffer, and B tells them what they can do; and if they want to get to the water, there are certain things they can do. Commissioner O'Brien stated if he wants to clear the 25 feet and put in swales, is the County telling him he cannot do it; with Commissioner Higgs responding that is the current law. Commissioner O'Brien stated sometimes the law is too stringent. Chairman Scarborough stated if there is no drainage into the Lagoon, they have affected something better.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to leave A and B in the Comprehensive Plan.
Commissioner Voltz inquired why was it changed; with Mr. Scott responding it sets the table for adopting it into a local ordinance. Ms. Busacca stated some specifics should be removed, but they would not have had an ordinance without specifics in the Comprehensive Plan; and now they have an Ordinance which makes it a policy document. Commissioner Voltz inquired if it is more important to be in the Comprehensive Plan; with County Attorney Scott Knox responding the Comprehensive Plan supersedes the Ordinance.
Chairman Scarborough called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Carlson read page 23, B, Class I Waters, and inquired if there is a date on when staff has to provide the completed study; with Mr. White responding it has not been done. Commissioner Carlson inquired if it is something that needs to be done; with Ms. Busacca responding it was put in at the time the South Brevard Water Authority was trying to seek a water supply from Osceola County to talk about alternatives; then it was amended to the Water Management District doing it. Commissioner Voltz stated if staff is not going to do it and it does not exist, maybe it should be taken out. Commissioner Carlson stated it is a dead issue.
Motion by Commissioner Voltz, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to delete Policy 3.12 from the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Scarborough inquired how strongly has the County supported aquatic preserves; and what has been done; with Ms. Busacca responding if they are asked, they would have an answer. Chairman Scarborough inquired if the County should ask for a designation and do nothing to obtain it; with Ms. Busacca responding the former Board strongly supported it; and before this Board says to the Legislature to do it, it would want to know more. Commissioner Voltz stated it was not a directive or policy; with Ms. Busacca responding the reason it is not is because in 1988 it had the highest water quality; but Brevard County should seek to have the Indian River Lagoon designated as an aquatic preserve. Mr. Peffer stated the Board can direct staff to get it with this Policy.
Commissioner Carlson inquired what program was removed from page 4, Aquatic Preserve, Policy 3.13; with Mr. White responding there is a State Program looking at permitting issues and more intensive study to insure water quality is maintained. Commissioner Carlson stated it should be in the Policy in terms of the program. Chairman Scarborough inquired if it includes the City of Titusville; with Mr. Peffer responding it affects the City. Mr. White stated staff is asking the State to come down and designate it. Chairman Scarborough stated the County has done nothing about designations; and recommended staff come back with a report on what the Board should do to get it designated. Ms. Busacca advised Brevard County was the first Comprehensive Plan submitted; the State said all the Objectives had to be measurable; and if so, all the Policies had to be measurable; and that is why there are dates. Commissioner Voltz inquired if the plan is to do something; with Mr. Scott responding they presented the Board with the ideas in directives; and if the Board finds they are good ideas, then they will convert them to policy. He stated they were taken out of the first nine Elements, and if it is not in a policy it will
be placed in as a directive. Chairman Scarborough stated if it is better, then staff should get proactive, and if it is irrelevant, then they should get rid of it.
Commissioner Carlson stated page 29, Objective 5, Policy 5.2 uses "promote" and should be consistent. She stated it should be "achieve no net loss" in both. Ms. Busacca stated they will use that as part of their negotiations.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to use "achieve" instead of "promote". Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Carlson inquired about page 30, Policy 5.4. D.; with Ms. Busacca responding the County has been preempted by State law; and that language should be deleted, but was not because they are in negotiations.
Commissioner Carlson inquired if page 33, Mining Operations, talks about depths; with Ms. Coles responding yes. Commissioner Carlson inquired if page 35, Criteria A-F have been put in the Landscaping Ordinance; with Ms. Busacca responding yes.
Commissioner Carlson stated page 38, Policy 8.3 states, "Brevard County shall develop environmental design criteria"; and inquired when will staff do that; with Mr. White responding by 2002. Commissioner Carlson inquired if it can be done by 2000; with Mr. Scott responding staff will review it in the monitoring report. Mr. Jenkins stated they cannot give the Board a definite answer about 2002. Commissioner Carlson stated there are so many dates that it gets confusing, and suggested 2002.
Commissioner Carlson stated page 40, Policy 8.8, Criterion E, Tree Program, is 2002; page 40, Policy 8.10, did not include special language recommended by the LPA; and inquired why. Chairman Scarborough inquired if "exotic" includes everything that is not native; and stated native plants may require more upkeep than exotic plants. Mr. White advised the State has a list of invasive exotic plants by categories. Chairman Scarborough inquired if staff can say "invasive exotics"; with Mr. Peffer responding it could be like a definition so everyone understands what they are talking about noxious invasive exotic plants. Mr. Peffer stated staff will do that throughout the Plan.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, to direct that every place "exotic" appears in relation to plant material be changed to "invasive exotic".
Commissioner Voltz stated that means getting rid of all invasive plants. Commissioner Scarborough stated not using exotic plants in some areas may do more harm than good because some places, such as in the zeriscape concept, they may have better tolerance than native plants; therefore, it would harm the environment less by putting something in that is not native to Florida. He recommended keeping the invasive concept.
Vice Chairman Higgs advised the motion is to replace "exotic" with "invasive exotic". Commissioner Voltz seconded the motion.
Ms. Coles stated that definition will have noxious species. Ms. Busacca stated there will also be inclusion of the language from the LPA about educating private property owners. Commissioner Carlson stated private property should be included in that.
Vice Chairman Higgs called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Vice chairman Higgs passed the gavel to Chairman Scarborough.
Chairman Scarborough stated the Board is not back to page 42 where it left off at the last meeting.
Commissioner Higgs advised her concern was in Policy 9.2.F, removing the review of the management plan and approval of Natural Resources, and then the other provision above that in C, which is being removed and states, "This review shall be for each project greater than five acres." She stated the current language should be left as is. Commissioner Voltz inquired what was the purpose for taking it out; with Mr. White responding removing "greater than five acres" allows staff to look at all of the projects. Commissioner Higgs stated it should be left the way it is right now as opposed to taking away Natural Resources? review.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, to retain the language that has been striked through in Policy 9.2.F.
Commissioner Voltz requested clarification; with Mr. Scott responding the motion is to delete the strike through in C and leave the strike through language in F. Ms. Busacca inquired if the Board wants staff to review projects that are less than five acres; with Commissioner Higgs responding yes. Mr. Peffer requested direction from the Board on approval of Natural Resources with regard to the management plan; that will occur on the federal level primarily; and inquired if they come up with a management plan, does the Board want staff to approve it. Commissioner Higgs stated what happens today is Natural Resources has to approve the management plan; and inquired if it does not, what will happen to that. She stated it is incumbent on the developer to bring those plans for approval. Commissioner Voltz inquired if individual lot owners would have to have a plan; with Mr. Peffer responding the Fish and Wildlife Service has allowed staff to let ?-acre lots go through, but that could change; it was set up when they knew the Board was moving with the scrub jay plan. Commissioner Higgs stated staff should review those plans. Ms. Busacca stated staff could say they will not issue a permit
unless the developer has a proper plan. Commissioner Carlson inquired if it could be part of the critical habitat ordinance.
Commissioner O'Brien recommended C be left as is and not remove the strike through language. He stated site planning down to one acre is already being reviewed by another agency and it will tie up staff to duplicate the effort and charge a fee. He stated the St. Johns River Water Management District and Fish and Wildlife Service is already reviewing those. Commissioner Carlson suggested not review, but ensure it is there. Commissioner O'Brien stated getting into one or two-acre parcels is creating work that is totally silly. Commissioner Higgs stated Fish and Wildlife does not review anything less than two acres. Commissioner O'Brien stated he does not want Brevard County micro-managing everything in the world; and five acres is reasonable.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to delete the strike through and keep the original language, "This review shall be for each project greater than five acres".
Commissioner Higgs stated there are a lot of subdivisions already divided and they get limited review. She stated there are cumulative impact issues.
Chairman Scarborough inquired what will be done in Port St. John where there is more of a landscaping issue than massive planning; with Ms. Coles responding they could minimize clearing of the area around the house. Chairman Scarborough recommended looking at quarter-acre lots and up to four acres. Mr. White stated the management plans of the State say two to five acres in Brevard County. Commissioner O'Brien stated quality is not the question; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service already reviews the plans; taxpayers already review the plans; and the change would cause more spending of tax money and create more red tape for the public. Mr. Peffer advised Policy 9.2 says the County will develop an ordinance that has the criteria; and the Board will have the opportunity to review that ordinance. Chairman Scarborough stated he would prefer going to one acre and changing it when the Board gets the ordinance. Commissioner Higgs stated it should be for each project greater than one acre.
Chairman Scarborough called for a vote on the motion. Motion did not carry; Commissioners O'Brien and Voltz voted aye; and Commissioners Higgs, Carlson and Scarborough voted nay.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to review projects of one acre or greater. Motion carried and ordered; Commissioners O'Brien and Voltz voted nay.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to include F.
Commissioner O'Brien inquired why does the Board need F.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to include approval in C. Motion carried and ordered; Commissioners O'Brien and Voltz voted nay.
The meeting recessed at 2:36 p.m., and reconvened at 2:50 p.m.
Chairman Scarborough inquired if the proposed changes to the Schedule was checked with the Commission Offices; with County Manager Tom Jenkins responding yes.
Motion by Commissioner Carlson, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to approve the revised 1999 Board Meeting Schedule. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner O'Brien advised he has a meeting tonight. Chairman Scarborough inquired about Tuesday?s agenda and if Ground Maintenance could be added to it; with Mr. Jenkins responding it could be put on with the Voting Equipment Workshop.
Commissioner Higgs stated F does not equal C even with the approval, and F should be included. Ms. Busacca stated E could say "provided and approved by the Office of. . .
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to add to E, Policy 9.2, page 42, "provided and approved by the Office of. . ." Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner O'Brien stated page 44, Policy 9.9, Part C, says "Brevard County shall maintain manatee speed limit signs; Brevard County taxpayers pay taxes to Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) and it does signage; so if Brevard County maintains the signs, it will be paying twice for the service. Mr. White stated it was established by County Ordinance. Mr. Peffer stated FIND will do the State but not local. Ms. Busacca suggested adding, "if solely by local ordinance only"; and if it overlaps, the State would do it.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to approve adding "if solely by local ordinance only." to Policy 9.9, Part C, page 44. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner O'Brien stated page 45 says the Sheriff?s Department should be patrolling; the Board should not spend local funding for officers to enforce laws on State waters; and inquired what is the Florida Marine Patrol doing. Commissioner Higgs stated the Sheriff Deputies enforce laws on roads. Commissioner O'Brien stated if the County does the State?s job, the
State will not do it. He recommended "Brevard County Sheriff?s Department" be removed from enforcing idle speed zone laws. Commissioner Higgs stated idle speed should be patrolled by all appropriate agencies. Chairman Scarborough stated he has a problem putting the enforcement of idle speed zones in the Plan because the Board has no authority over State waters. Commissioner Higgs stated the Board has requested the Sheriff to do things in the past. Commissioner O'Brien stated aquaculture leases are in State waters, and he objects to spending Brevard County tax money to take care of it. Commissioner Higgs stated last year the Board got great assistance from the Sheriff regarding violations by airboats; the Sheriff enforced the speed zone in the Sebastian River; and it was effective. Commissioner O'Brien recommended the whole thing be deleted; and Chairman Scarborough stated if there is no capacity to handle it, it is irrelevant. Commissioner Carlson inquired why it was taken out; with Mr. Scott responding it is in the MPP.
Commissioner Carlson inquired about Sandra Klinger?s options; with Commissioner Voltz responding it sounds the same to her. Ms. Klinger stated it is semantics.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Higgs, to approve Option 2. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Carlson advised page 48 relates to Titusville?s efforts to obtain G-1 sole source aquifer designation; and inquired if there are other cities; with Ms. Busacca responding no other cities were trying to get it at the time it was written. Chairman Scarborough stated there are issues on how the County?s policy has to be implemented because people are putting in septic systems where the City?s wellfields are; and they send water to County residents. He stated a good water supply is important to the City and County residents. Commissioner Carlson inquired about Palm Bay; with Commissioner Voltz responding staff should see if Palm Bay needs to be added.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to approve the Conservation Element, as amended. Motion carried and ordered; Commissioner Voltz voted nay.
Commissioner Higgs stated page 5, Coastal Element, Policy 2.1 relates to coordination with the Water Management District; it does not refer to the issue of non-point source pollution; and the next three statements seem to be different from what is in the Policy. She stated the justification is that this is contained in 2.1 and 2.3, but there is no reference to non-point source pollution. Ms. Busacca advised areas that show decline should be targeted for watershed management which will impact non-point sources. Mr. Scott stated staff can add to it for clarity. Commissioner Higgs inquired if they would put non-point source pollution at the top of 16.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to put non-point source pollution at the top of 16, Policy 2.1, Watershed Management. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Higgs stated "activities within the Lagoon that should be prohibited" is not stated. Mr. White stated there is a draft on what activities staff is referring to; and Policy 2.3 addresses some of it. Chairman Scarborough stated there is a danger in saying things so generally that it becomes difficult to enforce because the person has not been advised of what he or she can or cannot do. Commissioner Higgs stated it is not the same sentence in Policy 2.3.
Commissioner Higgs advised Policy 1.5, the sentence, "shall participate on the MRC. . ." is not the same sentence, and she does not know why the County could not support it. Ms. Busacca noted they can put it on the Agenda.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Carlson, to make a new Policy 1.7. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Higgs inquired about Objective 12 on page 57; with Ms. Busacca responding it is under the Coastal High Hazard Policy 6.3 on page 38. Commissioner Higgs read Policy 6.3 and stated it changed the Coastal High Hazard zoning for all the barrier islands. She stated Brevard County should develop a natural disaster plan. Ms. Busacca stated it is coastal management only and pertains to the coast. Commissioner Higgs stated if it is added under 10.1G that would keep the County where it is.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to place it under new G. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Higgs stated Objective 4, page 9, stabilization projects, the next three are not there; with Ms. Busacca responding they are on page 21. Commissioner Higgs stated page 10 states, "Brevard County will cooperate with State and Federal agencies in public education system on sea levels." She inquired why educate the public on that issue. Mr. Scott stated public education can be added to 4.9B. Commissioner O'Brien stated "Brevard County will cooperate" is a useless sentence because it is a given that the Board will do it. Commissioner Higgs inquired if the County will plan for sea level changes; with Mr. White responding last year was the largest increase. Chairman Scarborough suggested running SLOSH maps to see if they run differently. Commissioner O'Brien stated part of the planning takes place in beach restoration to address sea level changes which may occur. Chairman Scarborough inquired if anyone is running the data; with Ms. Busacca responding no, staff has not. Commissioner O'Brien stated NOAA has the answers going back 25 years on how deep is the water, how deep will it be, was there raising last year, global warming, and maybe global freezing, etc. Chairman Scarborough stated the more information put in, the more irrelevant it becomes, and it will be self-defeating. Commissioner Higgs stated it may be foolish not to do something to understand sea level changes.
Commissioner O'Brien stated Policy 4.6 states, "Brevard County shall maintain ongoing program relating to beach dynamics. . ." Chairman Scarborough opposed putting words in the Comprehensive Plan that are irrelevant.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, to delete Policy 4.9.
Chairman Scarborough stated he is not sure if he wants to do that; his point is somehow he would like to take this, even though the Board is not digesting it, and say every other year staff poll it. Mr. White stated staff has published some of it already; it is on the website. Commissioner Voltz stated they are doing it already. Commissioner Higgs stated it says that Brevard County shall continue to collect data. Commissioner Voltz stated it does not say the County will do something about it, just that they are going to publish it. Chairman Scarborough stated what it means though is that people of Brevard County will have that information; and an informed community can affect changes in local government. Ms. Busacca suggested changing it from "publish" to "make available to the public"; and they can publish it on the Internet. Chairman Scarborough and Commissioner Higgs responded that would be fine.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Higgs, to include that "Brevard County shall continue to collect and make available information relating to sea level changes" in the Plan. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Higgs stated Policy 9.7, page 48, deals with hurricane shelters; and new mobile home and manufactured home parks shall provide hurricane shelters. Ms. Busacca inquired if the Board wants to designate a minimum number of ten mobile homes, or for all mobile home parks even those with only four mobile homes. Commissioner Voltz stated they would not build a recreation center for four units. Ms. Busacca inquired if the Board wants to include a development size.
Commissioner O'Brien inquired what is the object of the shelter; with Commissioner Voltz responding for elderly people who live in those parks and cannot get out to some place else. Commissioner O'Brien stated so the object of having a shelter is to provide for 50% of the people who live in mobile homes in case of a hurricane; and if it is not provide for the parks with four mobile homes and those homes blow away, what has the Board accomplished. Commissioner Voltz stated there is room in the County?s shelters for people,, but not for an extra 200 people. He stated the bicycle helmet law is the same principal; if it saves one life it is a good law; now the Board is talking about hurricane shelters and not requiring bunkers for 2.5 people. Commissioner Voltz suggested requiring the recreation center be strong enough to withstand hurricane force winds if they are going to build a recreation center. Mr. Scott suggested the Board give staff permission to continue to formulate a policy and come back to give the Board some numbers. Commissioner O'Brien stated limiting it is like saying we will save the 75 lives of people the shelter will hold, but if you live among four mobile homes, the Board does not care about you and you are going to die.
Chairman Scarborough stated if a developer is going to build a large development, he will include certain amenities such as a pool, recreation center, etc.; and part of his marketing could be that the recreation center is built to stand a certain wind load and is a designated hurricane shelter; and he is able to attract people for the extra dollars he spent to upgrade the recreation center. He stated requiring a center for a four unit development is a lot to bear; but the project may sell more rapidly if he built it. Commissioner Voltz stated the hurricane shelter deficit is tremendous.
Ms. Busacca inquired if the Board would like to put this requirement in the Future Land Use Element instead of the Coastal Zone Element to address all mobile home parks, as it should be made clear that it is not just for the Coastal Zone. Commissioner Higgs agreed.
Commissioner O'Brien recommended the hurricane shelter topic be brought up at the joint meeting with the School Board so it will construct new schools, gymnasiums, libraries, and cafeterias to serve as hurricane shelters. Commissioner Voltz stated if the Board builds new libraries it should make those shelters too. Commissioner Higgs stated that is under Policy 9.6.
Chairman Scarborough inquired if there is a reasonable threshold that makes sense in the market. Commissioner Voltz stated the Board cannot make developers build shelters, but if they have it in their plans that would be great. Chairman Scarborough commented the Board could push them along that way. Commissioner Higgs suggested 20 units. Ron Burch stated anyone who is a commercial developer and plans to put in substandard housing should be responsible for supplying a part of the shelter obligation for the average population; and it is up to the Board to decide what size a commercial endeavor would be to include a shelter. Discussion ensued on existing mobile home parks. Commissioner O'Brien stated it is incumbent upon anyone who has a mobile home park to provide shelter; and it is up to the Board to say they shall build a shelter. He stated he could go with 20 units. Chairman Scarborough stated the Board needs to make a decision based on safety and reasonableness of transporting people as opposed to being market driven. Mr. Scott stated it includes new and existing mobile home parks. Chairman Scarborough inquired if the County is making people go back and build shelters; with Mr. Scott responding that is what is on the table; and it would say, "New and existing mobile home parks containing 20 units shall construct a commonly utilized structure that is a qualified hurricane shelter. Such shelter shall be able to house at least 50% of the mobile home park?s population." Commissioner Higgs recommended separating new and existing. Ms. Busacca suggested new and expanding parks if the expansion is over 50%. Commissioner O'Brien disagreed with expanding by 50%, preferred just expanding, and commented if the Board wants to continue to encourage the use of mobile home parks in Brevard County. He stated quite a few of the mobile home parks have deteriorated and do not pay taxes, but draw upon the services; so he does not think the Board wants to encourage mobile home developments. He stated he would agree with any expansion.
Motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Higgs, to change the language to read "New or expanding mobile home or manufactured home parks shall provide. . ." Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner O'Brien inquired if staff has brought back any good policies or ordinances, especially in construction, that were learned lessons from Homestead. He stated it has been several years since the hurricane destroyed Homestead and Brevard County has done nothing about its requirements for new construction. He stated he does not know how the wording of Policy 9.7 can be change4d, but he would like to have a staff report back with wording that says every newly constructed house shall have. . . Ms. Busacca advised the State?s Unified Code will be in place in 2001. Mr. Burch stated the basics are out there; and they are starting to look
and ask for input from local governments to establish language for the Codes. Ms. Busacca advised staff will provide the Board with some information.
Discussion ensued on tile roofs being dangerous, how to anchor roofs, hurricane clips, hazard mitigation plan, Southern Building Code, windload requirements, retrofitting, redesign, and upgrading structures as hurricane shelters.
Chairman Scarborough inquired, if someone builds a shelter, would it have to go on the tax roll as an improvement, since it is a public safety issue. He stated the more the Board encourages people to do that and not have to pay taxes on it, the more likely it is to achieve those results. He stated it would save the County from building those shelters. Commissioner Higgs stated Holiday Park which is a recreation district does not pay ad valorem taxes; and inquired if the County will get money as part of its hazard mitigation plan. Ms. Busacca advised when there is a disaster in the State, 10% of the money for the disaster is set aside for hazard mitigation; everybody in the State is eligible to utilize those funds; and the County?s Hazard Mitigation Plan will identify and prioritize those projects and be able to go, when the money becomes available, and get some money. Commissioner Higgs stated when the Board gets hazard mitigation money it can address the issue of existing mobile and manufactured homes. Ms. Busacca stated even if they are private homes, they can be included within something the Board would like to seek funding for. Mr. Burch stated if the entire State jumps on that train, the monies will be earmarked and used up rapidly; it was suggested that Brevard County take a leadership roll in developing plans to deal with mobile home communities retrofit situation because State and federal funds will be slim in certain areas; but in a post-disaster scenario it will be more available than pre-disaster. He stated pre-disaster money will be there, but it will be limited; so it has been suggested that the County take a strong position.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to include under Policy 9.8, "Brevard County shall encourage all existing manufactured and mobile home communities to provide emergency shelters for the residents, then. . ." Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Scarborough recommended staff figure out ways to finance, grant tax abatements, etc., for hurricane shelters.
Commissioner Carlson advised page 50 is about Local Mitigation Strategies; the issue is after a storm event utility lines must be relocated; and they should be permanently located landward west of the 1981 Coastal Construction Control line. She suggested locating those utility lines underground. Commissioner O'Brien stated Florida Power & Light Company may not go along with that. He stated he asked them to bury their lines on a project, and they said if the County would pay them a million dollars they would. Commissioner Carlson stated the county may not get the cooperation, but it needs to go through the subdivision process and tell builders they have to bury their lines when they create developments. Chairman Scarborough stated if the lines are underground and a storm comes through, there would be no interruptions. Mr. Scott suggesting adding at the end of the first sentence on A, "Coastal Construction Control Line and underground," so it would encourage them to be west of the line and underground. Ms.
Busacca advised the Coastal Construction Control Line is on the dune line; it is still seaward of the area which is expected to have erosion during a 100-year storm event; so it would not move out of harms way. She stated there is no underground; it is where scouring will happen; and the line is not moved far enough so there will not be any land. Mr. Scott advised staff would need direction from the Board to put in policies that state utility lines will go underground countywide. Ms. Busacca stated if the Board wants to get the lines out of the scouring area it would have to move it to the 1986 Department of Environmental Protection line; it would not do anything moving it in the dune line; and the County does not have sewer lines east of the dune line. Mr. Scott suggested making it Policy 10.9 that encourages relocation of utilities underground. Commissioner Higgs inquired if it should say, "in the event of disaster, power lines, etc. shall go underground," or should it be "encouraged" or "should". Mr. Scott recommended "shall". Chairman Scarborough stated he does not think the Board can require it without paying a million dollars; and recommended "should".
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to add Policy 10.9 stating "In the event of disaster, power lines, etc. should go underground." Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Ms. Busacca inquired if it is the Board?s intent to change Policy 10.1 to say the 1996 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Coastal Construction Control Line which would move it to approximately A1A.
Motion by Commissioner Carlson, seconded by Commissioner Higgs, to change Policy 10.1 to say, "the 1996 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Coastal Construction Control Line." Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Carlson inquired if a date was put on Policy 9.7, page 48; with Mr. Scott responding staff will do a report.
Motion by Commissioner Carlson, seconded by Commissioner Higgs, to approve the Conservation and Coastal Management Elements as amended. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Upon motion and vote, the meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
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