February 28, 1995 (workshop-2)
Feb 28 1995
The Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, met in workshop session on February 28, 1995, at 2:10 p.m. in the Government Center Multipurpose Room, Building C, 2725 St. Johns Street, Melbourne, Florida. Present were: Chairman Nancy Higgs, Commissioners Truman Scarborough, Mark Cook, and Scott Ellis, County Manager Tom Jenkins, and County Attorney Scott Knox. Absent was: Commissioner Randy O'Brien.
County Manager Tom Jenkins advised staff provided the Board with a status report on the 1994 goals and objectives; the County has made considerable progress; and such goals and objectives include the following:
(A) Crime Reduction and Public Safety Initiatives
- 1. Decrease average response times for emergency and law enforcement services. (D-3). Status to Date: Public Safety installed paging system in dispatch that allowed a decrease of one minute in the notification process.
- 2. Improve effectiveness of Countywide emergency services by evaluating coverage in unincorporated areas and improve interlocal agreements. (D-3). Status to Date: In progress. Meetings have been scheduled with the identified municipalities.
- 3. Review the need for additional firefighters and stations to increase the level of service to the unincorporated area. (D-4). Status to Date: Plan to be discussed at the Public Safety Workshop to be scheduled.
- 4. Identify funding for the opening of additional minimum security space. (D-4). Status to Date: Completed.
- 5. Identify funding for the addition to the Detention Center. (D-4). Status to Date: Continuation of Jail and Crime Workshop is scheduled for March 14, 1995.
- 6. Support funding for additional road patrol deputies. (D-4). Status to Date: Not included by the Board in 1994-95 Budget. This issue will be re-examined during the 1995-96 Budget process.
(B) Quality of Life Initiatives
- 1. Analyze Parks and Recreation funding. Currently all Districts are consistently short on operational dollars and expansion and some maintenance activities are curtailed. (D-2).
- 2. Continue to actively pursue a cooperative effort with the School Board to address current and upcoming issues, including recreational use of school property after hours. (D-2). Status to Date: County Manager met with Superintendent of Schools and Brevard Community College President. Parks and Recreation staff is following up.
- 3. Increase the delivery of services including transportation, library and recreation for children and young people. (D-3). Status to Date: Board funding and School Board funding provided. A grant for Gibson Center received.
- 4. Establish funding for additional maintenance personnel for County parks. (D-4). Status to Date: Included in the FY 94-95 Budget.
(C) Environmental Protection and Water Initiatives
- 1. Develop policies pertaining to live-aboards. Sanitation issues in particular need to be addressed when people choose to live on a boat, but not in a marina, for any period of time. (D-2). Status to Date: Staff is currently tracking the development of the State's regulations, as local ordinances frequently fail court challenges. The State has put its "Rule" development on hold, and is developing a "non-regulatory" model in Southwest Florida that could be used Statewide.
- 2. Permanently protect the Mullet Creek Islands. (D-3). Status to Date: Property owners and the County Attorney's Office negotiating a donation of the land.
- 3. Implement an inspection system for on-site sewage disposal systems. (D-3). Status to Date: Staff report sent to the Board.
- 4. Develop a Countywide effort to ensure adequate long-range water resources. (D-3). Status to Date: The Water Resources Committee continues to meet, and a Countywide Water Supply Group was formed.
- 5. Refocus County Utility, Wastewater, and Surface Water Divisions to a Water Resources Department with the appropriate focus on the interrelationship of these water-related services. (D-3). Status to Date: Completed.
- 6. Pursue Master Plan for drainage for Brevard County. (D-3). Status to Date: Not currently funded. Surface Water Improvement Division staff is drafting a Master Stormwater Management Plan which will address a long-range approach to drainage planning. County Manager is proposing merger of said Division into Public Works Department.
(D) Community Development Initiatives
- 1. Develop and implement criteria to require that new, single family homes that are built near older, lower lots will not cause drainage to flow to the lower lots. (D-2). Status to Date: The Board is scheduled to discuss staff recommendations on this issue on March 7, 1995.
- 2. Develop and implement a review process to take place when the use of a property changes. This review will verify that the new use is compatible with the current surroundings and the site (parking, etc.) (D-2). Status to Date: As directed by the Board, staff is working with the Tax Collector's Office to develop a program monitoring change of use through review of occupational licenses. Report to come back to the Board.
- 3. Improve interdepartmental communications (specifically Building/Code Enforcement/Zoning). This will help identify illegal flag lots and permits being issued when they should not be. Perhaps this could be done on the computer system by property. (D-3). Status to Date: County Manager proposing consolidation of Code Enforcement and Building Division. Staff is working on proposal to be completed in November, 1995.
(E) Economic Development Initiatives
- 1. Expanding the County's economic development role through funding staff position and placing a Commissioner, on rotating basis, on the Economic Development Commission. (D-3). Status to Date: Staff position identified. Economic Development Commission working on modifying bylaws.
- 2. Support a consultant addressing the impact fee structure with special emphasis on industry, the impact on value-added jobs, and whether the fees should be adjusted. (D-4). Status to Date: Consultant selected to do review. Industrial impact fees being addressed separately and on agenda. Consultant on hold pending Board action.
- 3. Establish a point person in County government to expedite development plans for industries supplying value-added jobs. (D-4). Status to Date: Completed.
- 4. Prepare a book of information containing the building codes and regulations with which individuals and businesses must comply in order to receive permits from the County and various government agencies. The book would be updated with amendments and be available to the public on paper and computer disk, and also be available to the Economic Development Commission of East Central Florida, the Chambers of Commerce, and other Brevard County economic development organizations. The book would include a section identifying lending institutions (including contact names) in Brevard County. (D-4)
- 5. In order to discourage urban sprawl, urge Brevard County and local governments to evaluate possible incentives for the use of vacant buildings (infill) rather than constructing new buildings. (D-4). Status to Date: In progress.
(F) Employment and Compensation Initiatives
- 1. Cross train employees. Have Parks and Recreation work for Road and Bridge, etc. (D-1). Status to Date: A pilot cross training program has been developed. Departments are in the process of submitting their lists of participants. Placements will commence on April 3, 1995.
- 2. Investigate merit as a means of providing salary increases in 1994-95. (D-3). Status to Date: A merit increase plan for FY 94/95 was adopted by the Board. A TQM team is in the process of developing an improved performance evaluation form. This will be completed and implemented by 10/1/95.
- 3. Establish measurable performance criteria for all employees and for departments. (D-3). Status to Date: In progress. A one-year project.
(G) Budgetary and Contracts Initiatives
- 1. Format short budget summary for public information in an informative and enjoyable style. (D-1). Status to Date: Completed.
- 2. Implement a review process for contractors at the end of each project. This will allow the County to take past performance into consideration for new projects and should include debarment procedures. (D-2). Status to Date: Completed.
- 3. Establish additional mechanisms to ensure equal opportunity and fair treatment for all citizens in County contracts and employment. (D-3). Status to Date: In progress. A Task Force has been appointed by the Board.
- 4. Prepare estimates for moving into the new Justice Center and establish a separate account and partial funding in FY 94-95 Budget. (D-4). Status to Date: To be addressed at Mid-year Budget.
(H) Communication Initiatives
- 1. Better communication with the public in an expedient manner during the governmental process, including problems as well as accomplishments. (D-1).
- 2. Open communication between staff at all levels and Commission Offices. (D-1). Status to Date: Ongoing.
- 3. Proceed with T.V. and radio broadcast of Commission Meetings. (D-1). Status to Date: Meeting with Brevard Community College and Commissioner Scarborough was held. Proposal being developed.
- 4. Much has been made about the individual staff briefings given to the Commissioners. These briefings are fine for those who so desire them, but it is important that all pertinent information either be included in the agenda package or stated at the meeting itself so that such information becomes a part of the public records. (D-5). Status to Date: Ongoing.
(I) General Administrative Initiatives
- 1. Equitable treatment of all constituents regardless of socio-economic status. (D-1). Status to Date: Ongoing.
- 2. Have only emergency issues as add-ons to agenda. (D-3). Status to Date: Ongoing.
- 3. We often fail to do adequate problem definition before passing ordinances or spending money. Once a problem has been noted, we need to decide if we are indeed looking at the problem itself or just a symptom of the problem. We too often use an overkill approach, either too much ordinance or too much expenditure, to resolve problems, After isolating the root problem, alternatives must be developed and examined. A choice would then be made amongst the alternatives for action.
Recent examples of incomplete problem solving include the Titusville Courthouse expansion and the new Cocoa Beach Library. (D-5). Status to Date: Ongoing. - 4. We need to begin streamlining various ordinances which have been written. We have too many rules. The Comprehensive Plan issues, involving writing voluminous new rules, should be re-evaluated. Rules which are unproductive, counter-productive, or duplicate other agencies should be reworked or abolished. We should also remember that deed restricted neighborhoods are available for those who desire such a setting for their home. (D-5). Status to Date: Site Plan and Subdivision Ordinances have been rewritten.
- 5. The implementation of TQM requires the upper Administration and the individual Commissioners to allow the lower level staff and department heads to do their job to the best of their ability, permitting these individuals to make rational decisions without nit-picking rules. We have gotten much better on this in the last year, but we still have a ways to go.
(D-5). Status to Date: Ongoing.
Mr. Jenkins reviewed the Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives, and policies for the Board; stated it is an outline; in many areas, the County is not in conformance with the original schedules; and it is behind in many of these. He noted this is more for informational purposes; and such goals and objectives include the following:
I. Conservation Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Air quality shall meet/exceed State minimum air quality standards; (2) Reduce per capita energy consumption; (3) Protect, enhance and improve surface water quality and function; (4) Adopt regulations to reduce flood storage capacity loss and risk to life and property; (5) Preserve, protect, restore and replace functional wetlands to achieve "no net loss"; (6) Adopt regulations to protect environmental systems from mining, borrow and private lake excavation activities; (7) Eliminate soil erosion resulting from inappropriate land use practices; (8) Adopt regulations to reduce Indian River Lagoon sediment accumulation; (9) Provide regulation of landclearing and landscaping practices to protect and conserve native vegetation communities; (10) Regulate critical habitat to protect endangered and threatened wildlife; and (11) Provide protection to the surficial and Floridan aquifer systems.
II. Surface Water Management Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Correct existing deficiencies to preserve and improve surface water quality; (2) Provide regional stormwater management facilities to accommodate future development; (3) Require new development to manage generated stormwater; and (4) Maintain natural drainage by reducing flood capacity storage loss and interbasin diversion, and protection of wetland functions.
III. Recreation and Open Space Element
- Goal 1, Objectives: (1.1) Provide interrelated open space compatible with natural systems; and (1.2) Preserve, protect and enhance visual resources.
- Goal 2, Objectives: (2.1) Provide parks and recreational facilities that meet the needs of the projected population; and (2.2) Promote cultural/historical recreational opportunities.
- Goal 3, Objectives: (3.1) Provide adequate funding alternatives to achieve acceptable levels of service; and (3.2) Foster public/private cooperation.
IV. Historical Preservation Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Develop and maintain historical resource inventory; (2) Adopt protection/preservation measures; (3) Increase public knowledge of historic resources; and (4) Increase funding through innovative sources.
V. Housing Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Increase supply of affordable housing; (2) Increase public knowledge of affordable housing opportunities; (3) Establish a fair and balanced housing market; (4) Allocate adequate residential land use opportunities; (5) Reduce substandard housing conditions; (6) Provide for residential care facilities; (7) Reduce residential energy consumption; (8) Preserve and protect historically significant housing; and (9) Increase public/private coordination.
VI. Potable Water Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Utilize potable water more efficiently; (2) Implement acceptable potable water standards; (3) Implement acceptable potable water level of service standards; (4) Provide and maintain appropriate water supply system; and (5) Maximize the use of existing potable water supply systems.
VII. Sanitary Sewer Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Provide and maintain environmentally sound sanitary sewer system; (2) Correct existing sewer facility deficiencies; (3) Provide sewer service consistent with projected needs; (4) Maximize the use of existing sanitary sewer facilities; (5) Develop and implement an efficient water reuse program; and (6) Regulate package treatment plants.
VIII. Solid Waste and Hazardous Materials Element
- Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Ensure for an environmentally sound management system; (2) Improve management system efficiency: (3) Implement resource recovery programs; (4) Develop and implement waste disposal monitoring programs; and (5) Provide solid waste service consistent with projected needs.
- Goal 2, Objectives: (1) Implement hazardous waste and materials public awareness program; (2) Institute hazardous waste and materials handling standards; (3) Provide emergency response system for accidental releases; (4) Establish pilot collection and consolidation program; and (5) Establish management coordination process.
IX. Traffic Circulation Element
- Goal 1, Objectives: (1.1) Adopt standards to maximize roadway utilization; (1.2) Implement programs and policies to maximize roadway utilization; (1.3) Provide for timely, cost effective roadway capacity improvements; (1.4) Provide a reasonable concurrency vs. property rights balance; (1.5) Enhance development permitting and roadway improvement coordination; and (1.6) Establish and continue upgrading a levels-of-service compliance process.
- Goal 2, Objectives: (2.1) Avoid adverse impacts upon historic and cultural resources; and (2.2) Avoid adverse impacts upon natural resources.
- Goal 3, Objectives: (3.1) Avoid degrading levels-of-service using comprehensive intergovernmental coordination processes; and (3.2) Support interagency coordination on current and future roadway needs.
- Goal 4, Objectives: (4.1) Establish and maintain a State roadway levels-of-service system; and (4.2) Prepare State roadway level-of-service management plan.
- Goal 5, Objective: (5.1) Establish and maintain a County roadway levels-of-service system.
Bicycle Sub-element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1.1) Improve transportation system's ability to safely accommodate bicycles; and
(2.1) Enhance bicyclists' abilities and enjoyment.
X. Mass Transit Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Establish cost-effective and fiscally responsible mass transit system: (2) Establish transit corridors reflective of land use and transportation improvements; (3) Maximize transit service and minimize residential impacts using system locational standards; (4) Establish and maintain a full-service public/private mass transit system partnership; (5) Conduct transit planning using comprehensive intergovernmental coordination processes; and (6) Provide for environmentally sound and energy efficient mass transit facilities.
XI. Ports, Aviation and Related Facilities Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Support development of an environmentally and economically sound Port Canaveral; (2) Support development of an environmentally and economically sound Valkaria Airport;
(3) Support development of new airport facilities to enhance economic development; (4) Support a comprehensive rail system development program; (5) Promote interagency coordination of water, rail and air transportation facilities development; (6) Provide for the minimization of water, rail and
air transportation facility impacts on natural and historic resources; (7) Protect water, rail and air transportation facilities from encroachment by incompatible land uses; (8) Support space related industrial development; and (9) Ensure for compatibility between utility corridors and community environmental, economic, land use and social resources.
XII. Coastal Management Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Develop estuarine pollution management system to improve water quality; (2) Protect and enhance Indian River Lagoon seagrasses and aquatic vegetation; (3) Maintain fisheries through habitat protection, maintenance and restoration; (4) Develop and implement comprehensive beach and dune management program: (5) Provide guidelines that direct water dependent land use locations and management; (6) Limit public infrastructure and services expenditures that subsidize Coastal High Hazard Zone growth; (7) Limit Coastal High Hazard Zone residential densities; (8) Enhance hurricane evacuation times; (9) Provide adequate hurricane shelters; (10) Expedite post-disaster recovery and reduce future risk through comprehensive recovery and redevelopment strategies; (11) Provide public beach, estuarine and river access compatible with shoreline resources; (12) Ensure compatibility between coastal zone's unique character and infrastructure and services provision; (13) Protect, preserve and conserve coastal zone historic resources; (14) Protect coastal zone wildlife and associated critical habitat; and (15) Institute a review and comment process to consider the Canaveral Port Master Plan and subsequent amendments.
XIII. Future Land Use Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Direct new growth using existing density patterns, available and programmed infrastructure, and hurricane evacuation capabilities; (2) Protect natural and historic resources from adverse development impacts; (3) Provide appropriate/adequate residential lands to meet the varied housing needs of the projected population; (4) Provide appropriate/adequate commercial lands to serve the needs of the projected population; (5) Provide appropriate/adequate industrial lands to support and maintain the viability of the County's economy; (6) Establish programs to enhance/protect agricultural lands and agricultural industry; (7) Institute redevelopment programs to counter inadequate public facilities and services, substandard structures, and blighted areas; (8) Provide adequate lands to accommodate existing and future programmed public facility and service needs; (9) Implement the Comprehensive Plan through the adoption and enforcement of land development regulations; and (10) Eliminate inconsistencies between the Comprehensive Plan and the Official Zoning Map, and reduce non-conforming land uses.
XIV. Intergovernmental Coordination Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Coordinate Comprehensive Plan and its implementation with the State, Regional Planning Council, adjacent municipalities and counties, and other similarly affected units of government; (2) Provide for the coordination of development plans with affected municipalities, counties, and the State; and (3) Coordinate levels-of-service standards for essential public facilities with appropriate federal, state, and local governments.
XV. Capital Improvements and Programs Element
Goal 1, Objectives: (1) Provide for the construction, improvement or replacement of identified public facility needs where financially feasible; (2) Establish funding priorities to correct public facility deficiencies through the adoption of an annual capital improvements budget; (3) Limit future infrastructure expenditures to avoid subsidization of growth within the Coastal High Hazard Zone; (4) Ensure public facilities are available to support future growth and are maintained, and that new growth contributes fairly to the costs of providing adequate public facilities; (5) Establish appropriate additional new funding sources for capital improvements; (6) Approve development orders consistent with established acceptable levels-of-service standards; and (7) Conduct an annual review of the Capital Improvement Program, and prepare and adopt annually a five-year capital improvements program.
Mr. Jenkins outlined the potential goals and objectives for 1995, as follows:
I. Economic Development
Goal: Increase number of jobs in private sector. Objective: Adopt and implement incentives to attract value added jobs.
Goal: Maintain the financial viability of Space Coast Commerce Park, or transfer the Park to another entity. Objective: To avoid further financial subsidy to Space Coast Commerce Park.
II. Economic Impact of Government
Goal: Reduce the size and cost of government. Objective: Reconsider the roles of government; eliminate unnecessary, unproductive, outdated regulations and Ordinances; identify and eliminate duplication in regulatory responsibilities; streamline and simplify the Comprehensive Plan; review the need for each goal and task in the Comprehensive Plan; utilize available technologies to improve efficiency and performance; utilize the most cost effective means of providing a service whether it be public, private, or non-profit sector; and utilize performance measurements and projection of outcomes in evaluation of performance.
III. Community Empowerment
Goal: Encourage community involvement and participation in County government. Objective: Solicit community participation in identifying needs, priorities and solutions; and broadcast Commission meetings.
IV. Youth Programs
Goal: Provide beneficial activities for youth to minimize disruptive/destructive activities. Objective: Provide safe zones for gathering of teenagers; provide after hours use of school sites for athletic activities; and full realization of benefits from the Department of Education grant to School Board for after school activities.
V. Crime and Public Safety
Goal: To provide adequate jail capacity to meet demand for incarceration of those awaiting trial and for short-term sentencing; and to provide safe streets. Objective: To provide prompt police response to requests for assistance; to provide adequate police surveillance and patrol in all areas of the County; and to provide necessary trained personnel and equipment to effectively investigate and prosecute violent and felonious crimes.
Goal: Maximize the efficient allocation of fire rescue personnel, equipment and facilities to provide prompt emergency medical and fire suppression response. Objective: Develop interlocal agreements for automatic response to enclave areas in both incorporated and unincorporated areas.
Goal: To provide adequate staffing and facilities for emergency medical and fire suppression response. Objective: To allocate needed resources in a cost effective manner.
VI. Environmental Quality
Goal: Finalize and implement a solution to meet the needs for a South County solid waste disposal facility; develop a plan to minimize the use of wastewater effluent deep well injection; and finalize development of efficient and practical habitat management plans. Objective: Utilize land banking programs.
Goal: Effective management of the Environmental Lands Program. Objective: Maximize receipt of State matching funds by proceeding with CARL listed priorities; establish wildlife corridors/greenbelts to inter-connect lands acquired for increased access; and develop management plans for acquired properties.
VII. Transportation Infrastructure
Goals to be determined at the Transportation Workshop.
VIII. Funding Infrastructure
Needs to be discussed at the impact fee public hearing.
Commissioner Cook defined his goals and objectives for 1995, as follows: (1) Reduce the size of County government (expansion); (2) Year round maintenance of ditches (maintenance program, West Cocoa); (3) Explore moving Wickham Road facility; (4) Sunset ordinances; and (5) Reduce regulations.
The Board discussed privatization, measurability of performance, the cost savings program, reducing the cost of government, use of part-time workers, Total Quality Management (TQM), and programs and services currently provided by the County, performance standards, and simplifying the process.
The workshop recessed at 3:14 p.m.
The workshop reconvened at 3:25 p.m.
Chairman Higgs outlined her goals and objectives for 1995, as follows: (1) Establish a 25-year financially feasible plan for constructing needed infrastructure or amend the land use plans to decrease the demand. All concurrency issues should be addressed; (2) Adopt policy to direct staff to increase, by at least 15%, the use of part-time employees: (3) Continue to lobby the State to exempt part-time employees from retirement system contributions; (4) Support efforts to increase manufacturing jobs in existing small businesses; (5) Support the process of establishing a community vision; (6) Decrease the incidence of violent crimes; (7) Decrease the average response times for emergency and law enforcement services; (8) Continue a Countywide effort to ensure adequate long-range water resources; (9) Continue the effort to establish measurable performance criteria for all employees and for departments; (10) Fund cost of living increases from previous year's savings (i.e. cash forward), and continue merit increases; (11) Develop a Comprehensive Plan amendment for preserving the St. Johns River to include density, setbacks, buffers, land uses and water quality standards; (12) Establish a school impact fee; (13) Complete and adopt a scrub conservation and development plan; (14) Permanently preserve the Mullet Creek Islands; (15) Implement plans (approved in 1994) for combating juvenile crime which include increased services for youth in transportation, libraries and recreation; (16) Reconsider a youth curfew; (17) Make environmental rules more effective while also decreasing permitting time and unnecessary paperwork; (18) Fund in 1995 at least half of the Sheriff's request for 35 additional road deputies with the rest to be funded in 1996; (19) Start construction on Malabar Road (Phase I) and Minton Road (Phase II); (20) Increase the number of private companies delivering services to the County; (21) Finalize long-term solid waste plan; and (22) Provide direction and initial funding for development of master plans for drainage.
The Board discussed merit increases, protecting and preserving the St. Johns River, reviewing what Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and St. Johns River Water Management District have regarding data and information, completion of a scrub conservation and development plan, decreasing crime, law enforcement personnel, funding the jail and deputies, and drainage issues.
Commissioner Ellis delineated his goals and objectives for 1995, as follows: (1) Overall 5% reduction in millage; (2) Re-examine Code Enforcement, placing appropriate Code Enforcement personnel, such as Contractor Licensing, under the Building Department, and reducing General Fund Code Enforcement Division to four investigators, one floating investigator, a secretary, a data entry clerk, and supervisor; (3) Eliminate many of the proposed positions in last year's budget; (4) Reduce the scope of the Housing Services Program to assisting first time homebuyers into modest single family homes. This may involve sending some federal dollars back; (5) Overall review of Human Resources' policies relating to employee transfers and hiring practices; (6) Streamlining various Ordinances. There are too many rules. The Comprehensive Plan issues, involving writing voluminous new rules, should be re-evaluated. Rules which are unproductive, counterproductive, or duplicate other agencies should be reworked or abolished. We should also remember that deed restricted neighborhoods are available for those who desire such a setting for their home. Staff is fully capable of this streamlining if given the responsibility and authority to make the decisions; (7) We question the delay in responding to Commission Office requests for information from various departments due to the fact staff has to route responses through County Management. Total Quality Management works the exact opposite; (8) Coordinate a joint meeting with the City Council of Titusville; (9) Broaden the parameters of the Habitat Conservation Plan to include all government owned property as banked lands; (10) Re-examine the goals and purchases of environmentally-endangered lands. In particular, address certain areas such as small parcel purchases in the South Beach Maritime Hammock when other similar parcels are preserved in North Brevard and are being purchased in Martin County; (11) Pursue automatic aid agreements for enclaves and transitional areas between incorporated and unincorporated for emergency services, including law enforcement, if possible; (12) Concentrate on the use of existing facilities and evaluate surplus facilities; (13) Re-evaluate library expenditures and expansions; and (14) Move TICO, Industrial Park, and Jetty Park to the Port Canaveral Authority.
The Board discussed restructuring, Brevard County Code issues, citizen complaints, public health, safety, and environmental issues, recommendations from the Code Enforcement Board, handling Code Enforcement violations, assessment of new positions, rules and regulations, receiving a briefing from the Environmentally-endangered Lands Selection (EELS) Committee on its acquisition, goals, and activities, space issues, and re-writing the Zoning Codes.
Commissioner Scarborough outlined his goals and objectives for 1995, as follows: (1) Televising Commission meetings; and (2) the Board receive an on-going list of problems in the County.
Upon motion and vote, the workshop adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
(S E A L)