September 19, 1996
Sep 19 1996
The Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, met in special session on September 19, 1996, at 5:30 p.m. in the Government Center Commission Room, Building C, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Melbourne, Florida. Present were: Chairman Mark Cook, Commissioners Truman Scarborough, Randy O?Brien, Nancy Higgs, and Scott Ellis, County Manager Tom Jenkins, and County Attorney Scott Knox.
The 4-H Club led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner O?Brien advised people are here concerned about the budget for Extension Services; he has not considered a change to that budget, but the Budget Review Committee recommended the Board look at it; and the Board would not be responsible if it does not raise those questions. He stated he spoke to members of the Committee, and not all agree with the report; and it is not his intent to change the Extension Services budget.
Motion by Commissioner O?Brien, seconded by Commissioner Ellis, to accept the budget for Extension Services as is. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve $23,592 from Law Enforcement MSTU to match COPS Grant. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Assistant County Manager Stephen Peffer advised the adjustment was included in the budget to comply with the Board?s desire to avoid a tax increase; and with the exception of COLA, there have been no changes in the rates since 1989. He stated without the revenue, they would have to eliminate one position and reduce environmental protection to the public. Mr. Peffer advised the options are to approve it as requested, approve a portion of it and make up the balance from General Fund, deny the increase and make it up through the General Fund, or deny the increase and cut staff. He recommended approval of the first option.
Motion by Commissioner O?Brien, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to adopt Resolution revising the rate schedule for environmental review of development plans, private lakes, land alterations, rezoning, consistency reviews, and Comprehensive Plan and Ordinance appeals. Motion carried and ordered; Commissioners Cook and Ellis voted nay.
Budget Director Kathy Wall advised there is no change in the aggregate millage from the rolled back millage rate.
Mims/Scottsmoor Library
Laura Woodall, June Horner, Bea Polk, and Daniel Shearer spoke in favor of funding the Mims/Scottsmoor Library.
Joe Morgan, Mayor of Cocoa Beach, advised they received $400,000 from the State and citizens raised $225,000 for the library; and he agrees the Board should not overlook small communities, but they could raise extra funds for their library. He stated $60,000 is reasonable and should be given to Mims/Scottsmoor Library, but requested the Board not let Cocoa Beach down.
Discussion ensued on moving construction funds for the $60,000, funding for Cocoa Beach from carry forward funds for DeGroodt and another library, the cost of Brassy?s site, excess funds, other library projects, and what the citizens of Cocoa Beach did for their library.
Irene Nirtschafter thanked the Board for its assistance with Cocoa Beach Library. Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, to approve $153,000 from Insurance Reserves to Mims/Scottsmoor Library, to move the modular and fund site preparation. Motion died for lack of a second.
Commissioner O?Brien recommended looking at the mid-year budget to see if there are funds for the Mims/Scottsmoor Library instead of using Reserves. Commissioner Higgs recommended $60,000 from the insurance reserves as a loan to be repaid.
Discussion continued on how much funds are needed for the Library, assistance from Patrick Air Force Base, change in millage rate, insurance rebate to libraries, donation of the modular, site work, and setting aside funds from the construction budget.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to amend the motion to allocate $105,000 for Mims/Scottsmoor Library. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
The meeting recessed at 6:37 p.m. and reconvened at 6:55 p.m.
Commissioner Higgs inquired if the motion was to transfer funds from construction or insurance reserves; with Commissioner Scarborough responding from insurance reserves even though construction may be more appropriate, because until the Board has all the figures, it could be taking funds from other libraries.
Commissioner O?Brien stated Cape Canaveral Library will have a $123,000 shortfall that the City will have to make up; and if there are monies, it could be applied to that library.
Emergency Welfare Program
Deborah Sweredoski, Ethel Ware and Wessie Montgomery from Hands of Hope, advised of personal experiences, what Hands of Hope provides, statistics of people in need, and supported funding for emergency welfare. Pat Hansen, South Brevard Sharing Center, advised of their services and urged the Board to support emergency welfare.
Chairman Cook gave figures of how much the County spends each year for welfare, indigent assistance, community based organizations, and Country Acres, totally over $5.5 million.
Commissioner Higgs advised the emergency welfare program is to help individuals on a short-term basis as opposed to long-term; the Board set a policy that those people who receive assistance pay back into that program so it could be self-sustaining; she recommended increasing that funding or bringing the cut to 30% instead of 50%, and if people are not contributing back to the program, when the fund gets low, to have the County Manager advise the Board. Commissioner Scarborough stated if there is more money in the budget, this is one program the Board can reconsider.
Chairman Cook stated the motion was a unanimous vote that the County Manager come back to the Board when the fund is at 10%; and the reason for the reduction is because the State shifted the burden of $800,000 to the County which it funded the year before.
Sheriff?s Budget
Bea Polk advised the Sheriff has had 275 deputies every time she checks on it; and even though the Board approved more, they are not on the payroll, and she cannot find where those deputies were hired. She stated since 1992, there have been 275 deputies, and no extra deputies.
Commander Jack Parker advised one position was approved by the Board in 1992, and it was filled; in 1993 there were no new positions; in 1994 there were 15 MSTU deputy positions, and all were filled; in 1995 there was one MSTU position that was filled and is currently filled; and in 1996 there were 12 MSTU positions filled and are currently filled. He stated there were 5 COPS grant positions and those were filled and working in Port St. John; and in 1997 the Board approved 5 more COPS positions which have not been filled, but will be filled on or after October 1, 1996. He stated if they asked for positions and do not fill them, those funds have to go back to the Board.
Ida Blickley stated the Sheriff received over $600,000 for new pay grade system; he told the Board he would give all employees raises retroactive to last year?s budget; and inquired if personnel were given raises and one deputy was not given a raise retroactive to 1995. She inquired how much that would amount to, and would it be given back to the Board.
Mr. Parker advised the Sheriff asked for a step plan to get them on par with other law enforcement agencies in the State; the organizational plan was retroactive to October 1, 1995, based on anniversary dates; and they were ready to roll with that plan, but a deputy came up with a grievance that some would get raises on October 1, but those on September 30 would have to wait a year, and a person with less seniority stood to make more money. He stated the Sheriff said to draw a line in the sand, March 23, 1996 was selected; it was a chance to make it fair; and they used all the dollars the Board approved. He noted the civil personnel got their raises on December 2 when the County gave raises. Commissioner Ellis noted March would be in the center.
Commissioner Ellis advised the Board discussed implementing a fine for false alarms. Mr. Parker stated there are still things undone to get it totally operational. Commissioner Ellis stated they need a way to pull the plug on false alarms. Chairman Cook stated the Board passed an Ordinance.
Bea Polk inquired if the Board gives the Sheriff the funds for salaries or hold it in its budget; with Commissioner Ellis responding it goes to the Sheriff?s budget. Ms. Polk stated he cannot use it for something else.
Budget Director Kathy Wall advised when the Board approves the Sheriff?s budget, it has line items for salaries, operating, and capital; and it has to be spent in those line items. She stated funds for salaries cannot be moved to operations or capital.
Environmentally-Endangered Lands Program
Barbara Wilhelm thank the Board for its support of EELS; stated it is vital to save those lands for the wildlife and eco-balance; and the residents would be in trouble with water and air quality if the lands were stripped. She requested the Board not cut the budget for EELS. Commissioner Ellis advised the EELS budget is the same as it was last year.
Jennifer Bruckler advised they enjoy the Enchanted Forest and appreciate what the Board can do to keep it as it is.
Community Based Organizations
Marilyn Rigerman and Kay Burk of the Brevard Cultural Alliance thank the Board for its past and continued support of the arts community; advised of the contributions the arts and culture community makes to the economic vitality of the County; and noted through Brevard Vision 2005, residents will recognize the arts and cultural activities in the County. They advised their goal is to expand funding to make all the art forms accessible.
Clerk?s Budget
Ida Blickley advised the Clerk has 298 employees, and over 35 employees make over $40,000 a year; when she left the County in 1984, she was making $5.00 an hour; and it is unreal that government has gone crazy on salaries.
Chairman Cook stated the Clerk is a separate elected official; he requested a 5.4% increase which the Board did not grant; and he sets his own salaries for his personnel.
Commissioner Ellis stated last year he wanted to go with a line item budget for the Clerk, but the legal opinion was they could not do that.
Volunteer Fire Departments
Joseph Stadnik advised the new proposal was three people on a truck and the Board denied it; there are over 150 volunteers with volunteer fire departments who receive no salaries; and the Board provides them meager support at $400 a month, which includes the $100 to pay the dumpster tax. He stated those volunteers save the taxpayers six million dollars a year; and if the Board took 1/3rd of that amount, it could give the volunteer fire departments at least $1,000 a month. He suggested taking the money spent on parks and giving it to the volunteer fire departments, because if the County loses the volunteers, the cost of the County?s fire departments will increase tremendously. He stated there could be six volunteers on one truck because they are not paid.
Commissioner O?Brien inquired about the dumpster tax; with Commissioner Ellis responding garbage collection fee increased, so the Board gave the volunteer fire departments an extra $100 a month.
Chairman Cook advised when both trucks are on the scene, there are four fire fighters; and if it is a large fire, they send more than two engines. He stated EMS personnel are also certified as fire fighters and can supplement them.
Chief Farmer advised County funds are not spent on buildings the County does not own; vehicle replacement is in the cycle; they are not buying two-person engines any more; and they upgraded all monthly allowances to volunteers by $100, and some more than that based on the area covered.
Discussion ensued on funding volunteer fire departments, number of fire fighters on engines in the County and cities, and mutual aid.
Chairman Cook inquired what is the budget for Public Safety; with Ms. Wall responding $24,321,552.
Economic Development Commission
Marilyn Waters, John Creach, Rocky Randels, and Larry Wuensch all spoke in support of increased funding for the Economic Development Commission which creates jobs for residents of the County, brings new companies in which increases the tax base, and creates value-added jobs for the community. They agreed that the Economic Development Commission is an investment in the future and if they can find 10,000 jobs for welfare people, it would save money in the long run.
Commissioner Scarborough recommended funding from insurance reserves for Economic Development Commission as an investment in the future and a means to lower taxes. He stated a strong economy means higher property values, lower taxes, and more services for less taxes; and it is the only time the Board can make an investment in the future.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to allocate $100,000 from Insurance Reserves to the Economic Development Commission.
Commissioner Ellis expressed concern about shortfall in fines and forfeitures, and recommended cutting the budget somewhere else if the Board wants to give more money to Economic Development Commission rather than use reserve funds. Commissioner Higgs agreed with Commissioner Ellis. Commissioner Scarborough stated a quality community will reduce the cost of government and make Brevard County a richer community. Commissioner O?Brien stated they have to take money from Contingency because all other funds are allocated with no return.
Chairman Cook advised funding for Economic Development Commission has increased; this year it has increased from $175,000 to $250,000; the Board also eliminated impact fees, did regulatory reform to lift the hold on businesses and create a business friendly atmosphere, and provided tax abatements without raising taxes. He stated he supports the concept that jobs are critical and create a better community, but he cannot support $100,000 from reserves because it is too easy to do that.
Commissioner Ellis recommended $50,000 from Elections Budget or Clerk?s Budget for Economic Development Commission. Commissioner Higgs suggested leveraging County dollars with private dollars for Economic Development Commission, and stated she could support $50,000 from Contingency.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve $50,000 from Contingency for Economic Development Commission.
Chairman Cook stated he could support taking $25,000 from Elections and $25,000 from the Clerk, which would not do much damage to either budget, but not from contingency.
Chairman Cook called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered; Commissioners Ellis and Cook voted nay.
The meeting recessed at 8:44 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m. Elections Budget
Chairman Cook advised the Supervisor of Elections is willing to give $25,000 from his budget to Economic Development Commission. He passed the gavel to Vice Chairman O?Brien.
Motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to delete $25,000 from the Elections Budget and add it to Economic Development Commission?s budget.
Supervisor of Elections Fred Galey advised it is a cheap investment in the future of Brevard County. Commissioner O?Brien stated Mr. Galey is the only constitutional officer who is willing to reduce his budget. Commissioner Ellis recommended the money go back to the Contingency Fund.
Chairman Cook called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered; Commissioner Ellis voted nay.
Chairman Cook called for the public hearing to consider amending or adopting the FY 1996-97 budgets, excluding dependent special districts.
Commissioner Higgs recommended District 3 Road and Bridge MSTU rolled back/rolled forward millage of 0.6737 mill, be reduced to 0.6617 mill which is the existing millage.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to reduce the District 3 Road and Bridge MSTU millage from 0.6737 mill to 0.6617 mill for FY 1996-97. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Cook called for the public hearing to consider resolutions establishing the millages and budgets for FY 1996-97.
General Revenue
Senior Budget Analyst Neil Boynton advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for the General Fund is 4.2945 mills, and the tentative millage is 4.3081 mills, representing a .32% increase. He advised the ad valorem revenue is $61,066,309, and the tentative budget is $19,576,245.
Commissioner Ellis recommended zero increase; and Chairman Cook agreed.
There being no further comments or objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Higgs, to approve General Fund millage for FY 1996-97 at 4.3081 mills, and budget at $19,576,245. Motion carried and ordered; Commissioners Ellis and Cook voted nay.
Library District
Mr. Boynton advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Brevard County Free Public Library District is 0.7554 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.7504 mill, representing a .66% decrease. He stated the ad valorem revenue is $10,636,744, and the tentative budget is $15,252,280.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve Library District final millage for FY 1996-97 at 0.7504 mill, and budget at $15,252,280. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Mosquito Control District
Budget Director Kathy Wall advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Brevard County Mosquito Control District is 0.2359 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.2240 mill, representing a 5.04% decrease. She stated the ad valorem revenue is $3,175,148, and the tentative budget is $4,818,565.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner O?Brien, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to approve FY 1996-97 final millage for Mosquito Control District at 0.2240 mill, and budget at $4,818,565. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Fire Control MSTU
Ms. Wall advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Fire Control MSTU is 1.5810 mills, and the tentative millage is 1.5810 mills, representing no change. She stated the ad valorem revenue is $10,159,069, and the tentative budget is $12,636,935.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Cook, to approve FY 1996-97 final millage for Fire Control MSTU at 1.5810 mills, and budget at $12,636,935. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Recreation District 1 MSTU
Mr. Boynton advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Recreation District 1 MSTU is 0.4575 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.4575 mill, representing no change. He stated the ad valorem revenue is $929,227, and the tentative budget is $3,768,099.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Cook, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Recreation District 1 MSTU at 0.4575 mill, and budget at $3,768,099. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Recreation Special District 4 O&M
Mr. Boynton advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Recreation Special District 4 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) is 0.5921 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.5921 mill, representing no change. He stated the ad valorem revenue is $848,969, and the tentative budget is $2,986,201.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Recreation Special District 4 O&M at 0.5921 mill, and budget at $2,986,201. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Titusville-Cocoa Airport Authority
Ms. Wall advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Titusville-Cocoa Airport Authority is 0.0350 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.0257 mill, representing a 26.57% decrease. She stated the ad valorem revenue is $157,704, and the tentative budget is $1,083,779.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner O?Brien, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Titusville-Cocoa Airport Authority at 0.257 mill, and budget at $1,093,779. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Law Enforcement Countywide MSTU
Ms. Wall advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Law Enforcement Countywide MSTU is 0.8913 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.8913 mill, representing no change. She stated the ad valorem revenue is $5,380,604, and the tentative budget is $5,866,074.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Ellis, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Law Enforcement Countywide MSTU at 0.8913 mill, and budget at $5,866,074. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Road and Bridge District 1 MSTU
Mr. Boynton advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Road and Bridge District 1 MSTU is 0.7712 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.7712 mill, representing no change. He stated the ad valorem revenue is $948,874, and the tentative budget is $1,713,336.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Road and Bridge District 1 MSTU at 0.7712 mill, and ad valorem revenue at $948,874. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Road and Bridge District 2 MSTU
Mr. Boynton advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Road and Bridge District 2 MSTU is 0.4457 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.4457 mill, representing no change. He stated the ad valorem revenue is $771,314, and the tentative budget is $1,341,415.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner O?Brien, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Road and Bridge District 2 MSTU at 0.4457 mill, and ad valorem revenue at $771,314. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Road and Bridge District 3 MSTU
Ms. Wall advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Road and Bridge District 3 MSTU is 0.6737 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.6617 mill, representing a 1.8% decrease. She stated the ad valorem revenue is $546,604.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Ellis, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Road and Bridge District 3 MSTU at 0.6617 mill, and ad valorem revenue at $546,604. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Road and Bridge District 4 MSTU
Ms. Wall advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Road and Bridge District 4 MSTU is 0.4867 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.4867 mill, representing no change. She stated the ad valorem revenue is $613,229 and the tentative budget is $903,594.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Road and Bridge District 4 MSTU at 0.4867 mill, and ad valorem revenue at $613,229. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Road and Bridge District 5 MSTU
Mr. Boynton advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Road and Bridge District 5 MSTU is 0.7533 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.7500 mill, representing .44% decrease. He stated the ad valorem revenue is $500,375, and the tentative budget is $663,214.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Ellis, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Road and Bridge District 5 MSTU at 0.7500 mill, and ad valorem revenue at $550,375. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Road and Bridge District 4 N. Bchs. MSTU
Mr. Boynton advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Road and Bridge District 4 N. Beaches MSTU is 0.5983 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.5983 mill, representing no change. He stated the ad valorem revenue is $159,677, and the tentative budget is $783,627.
Chairman Cook inquired if the millage could be taken back to the current millage; with Mr. Boynton responding no, because the current millage is 0.6011 mill which is higher than the 0.5983 mill.
There being no further comments or objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Cook, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Road and Bridge District 4 N. Beaches MSTU at 0.5983 mill, and ad valorem revenue at $159,677. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Road and Bridge District 4 S. Merritt Island MSTU
Ms. Wall advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Road and Bridge District 4 S. Merritt Island MSTU is 0.2495 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.2495 mill, representing no change. She stated the ad valorem revenue is $13,914, and the tentative budget is $25,640.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Road and Bridge District 4 S. Merritt Island MSTU at 0.2495 mill, and ad valorem revenue at $13,914. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Beach and Riverfront Acquisition Program
Mr. Boynton advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Beach and Riverfront Acquisition Program is 0.2356 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.2144 mill. He stated the ad valorem revenue is $3,039,070, and the tentative budget is $3,818,127.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Beach and Riverfront Program at 0.2144 mill, and ad valorem revenue at $3,039,070. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Environmentally Endangered Lands Program
Ms. Wall advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Environmentally Endangered Lands Program is 0.2500 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.2500 mill, representing no change. She stated the ad valorem revenue is $3,543,691, and the tentative budget is $8,909,497.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Environmentally Endangered Lands Program at 0.2500 mill and ad valorem revenue at $3,543,691. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Port St. John/Canaveral Groves Recreation Facility MSTU
Mr. Boynton advised the rolled back/rolled forward millage for Port St. John/Canaveral Groves Recreation Facility MSTU is 0.8494 mill, and the tentative millage is 0.8494 mill, representing no change. He stated the ad valorem revenue is $466,768, and the tentative budget is $449,929.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to approve final FY 1996-97 millage for Port St. John/Canaveral Groves Recreation Facility MSTU at 0.8494 mill, and ad valorem revenue at $466,768. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Final FY 1996-97 County Millages
Chairman Cook advised the budget indicates a decrease in ad valorem taxes in every District.
Mr. Boynton advised the total revenue generated from the millages approved is $102,937,290. He stated the aggregate 1994-95 millage is still 6.7460 mills, the aggregate 1996-97 rolled back/rolled forward millage is 6.7669 mills; the aggregate 1996-97 millage as approved is 6.7661 mills, representing a 0.01% decrease, and the percent change from the aggregate 1995-96 millage remains at 0.31% increase.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to adopt Resolution adopting the final FY 1996-97 County millages pursuant to Chapter 200, Florida Statutes at 6.7661 mills. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Final FY 1996-97 County Budgets
Ms. Wall advised the Board needs to adopt the Resolution adopting the final FY 1996-97 budget.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to adopt Resolution adopting the County?s FY 1996-97 budget at $512,539,862. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Cook called for the public hearing to consider resolutions adopting millages for dependent special districts.
Budget Director Kathy Wall inquired if the Board wishes to change any millages for dependent special districts.
Chairman Cook asked for action from the Board, and heard no objections.
The Budget staff read the titles of resolutions adopting the millages for the Library District, Mosquito Control District, Recreation Special District 4 Operations and Maintenance and Titusville-Cocoa Airport Authority.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Higgs, to adopt Resolutions adopting FY 1996-97 millages for the Brevard County Free Public Library District at 0.7504 mill, representing a 0.66% decrease, Brevard County Mosquito Control District at 0.2240 mill, representing a 5.04% decrease, Recreation Special District 4 Operations and Maintenance at 0.5921 mill, representing no change, and Titusville-Cocoa Airport Authority at 0.0257 mill, representing a 26.57% decrease. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Cook called for the public hearing to consider resolutions adopting budgets for the dependent special districts for 1996-97.
Budget staff read the titles of the resolutions adopting the budgets for the Library District, Mosquito Control District, Recreation Special District 4 O&M, Titusville-Cocoa Airport Authority, and Merritt Island Redevelopment Agency.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner O?Brien, to adopt Resolutions adopting FY 1996-97 operating budgets for Brevard County Free Public Library District at $15,252,280, Brevard County Mosquito Control District at $4,818,565, Recreation Special District 4 Operations and Maintenance at $2,986,201, Titusville-Cocoa Airport Authority at $1,083,779, and Merritt Island Redevelopment Agency at $309,309. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Budget Director Kathy Wall requested authorization to execute the Certification of Compliance Form DR-487.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Higgs, to authorize the Budget Director to execute Certification of Compliance with Chapter 200, Florida Statutes, Florida Department of Revenue Form DR-487. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Cook called for the public hearing to consider a resolution adopting supplemental budgets for FY 1995-96.
Budget Director Kathy Wall described the supplemental budgets and the amounts.
There being no objections heard, motion was made by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to adopt Resolution adopting the FY 1995-96 supplemental budgets as presented. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
County Manager Tom Jenkins requested permission to schedule a workshop on Solid Waste on October 8, 1996, which was coordinated with each Commission Office.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to authorize the County Manager to schedule a Solid Waste Workshop on October 8, 1996. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Scarborough thanked the staff for its labor to present the budget for FY 1996-97.
Commissioner Ellis stated it has been the strongest budget year since he has been on the Board; the Board has discussed more budget issues and spent more time in budget workshops, and ended up with a much better budget because of that.
Chairman Cook stated he agrees the Board has taken more time and gotten more results on the budget, and he appreciates everybody?s input.
Upon motion and vote, the meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m.
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