January 30, 1997
Jan 30 1997
The Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, met in special/workshop session on January 30, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. in the Government Center Florida Room, Building C, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Melbourne, Florida. Present were: Chairman Randy O'Brien, Commissioners Truman Scarborough, Nancy Higgs, Mark Cook and Helen Voltz, County Manager Tom Jenkins, and County Attorney Scott Knox.
County Manager Tom Jenkins introduced City Managers from Malabar, West Melbourne, Melbourne and Palm Bay.
Growth Management Director Susan Hann gave a slide presentation showing projected growth areas, relationship of population and vehicle miles of travel, return on transportation investment, and 1997 transportation revenue.
Discussion ensued on the source of the numbers, revenue amounts, interest on cash balances, miscellaneous revenue, amount of debt, and ongoing road projects.
Ms. Hann presented slides showing different types of gas taxes; and explained each type and their limitations on use.
Discussion ensued on the reduction that would result from Suntree becoming a city, and money available from the gas tax.
Ms. Hann continued explaining the types of gas tax, the annual revenue from each type, and the possible uses. She advised of the current status of various road projects and projected FY 1997 expenditures.
Discussion ensued on the amount of debt payable from gas tax, other alternatives for the Wickham Road project, and when the debt will be paid off.
Ms. Hann presented slides showing other FY 1997 expenditures of $4.1 million, continuing programs through 2001 totaling $3.7 million per year, and monthly gas tax balances.
Commissioner Higgs inquired about starting the Croton Road or interchange projects with the knowledge there would be cash flow difficulties in 1997 to 1999. Discussion ensued on bids for the second phases of Malabar and Dairy Roads, previous discussion about using excess funds to complete the Malabar Road project, and fully-funded status of Malabar Road.
Ms. Hann presented slides showing a congestion analysis of County roads, deficient County roads in 2020, and cost estimates for roadway improvements. She outlined potential road improvement projects along with general cost estimates.
Chairman O'Brien noted the estimate is for $200 million in projects in the next 20 years; and advised of the shortfall. Ms. Hann noted there is also the constitutional gas tax. Commissioner Higgs advised the assumption is everything will be bonded; and noted the savings possible from not bonding until time to build. Discussion ensued on bonding.
Ms. Hann displayed slides showing examples from Wickham Road including project components as percentage of total cost, cost/time summary, percent expenditures per year, cumulative expenditures, and annual gas tax revenue projected to FY 2020.
Discussion ensued on historical analysis, need to identify the causes of change, such as change in scope and cost of right-of-way, extraordinary costs, and inflation. Chairman O'Brien noted the twenty-year cycle for such things as wars, stock market disasters, etc.
Ms. Hann addressed transportation needs such as intersection improvements, transit service, bicycle and pedestrian programs, and bridge repair and rehabilitation. Discussion ensued on removing Mathers Bridge.
Ms. Hann addressed Board funding of the advanced right-of-way acquisition program, Road and Bridge support, dirt road paving and resurfacing, aesthetic features, and emergency reserves.
Discussion ensued on Road and Bridge support through gas tax, MSTU's and General Fund.
Ms. Hann advised of the project development for the next five to ten years, the ramifications of extending the gas tax now, a phased improvement program, and prioritizing transportation projects.
Discussion ensued on bonding resulting in limited revenue stream, extension of gas tax allowing municipalities to bond, bonding committing future revenue, and ability of municipalities to have referendum to extend gas tax.
Ms. Hann advised of the inability of FDOT to fund the U.S. 192 project and the cost to the County for the project; and outlined the options for funding.
Commissioner Voltz inquired why U.S. 192 is not being funded. Ms. Hann explained the lack of money and the ramifications of the State's refusal to put the road on the Intrastate Highway System. Discussion ensued on the average number of trips on U.S. 192, capacity of the roadway, safety problems, who should pay to take care of the road, lack of priority status, impact on ability to get federal funding, whether the one-cent tourist tax for the stadium can be used for U.S. 192, increasing lobbying efforts, County's failure to get its fair share of State DOT funds, percentage of gas tax paid by tourists, and total per gallon for all gas taxes.
The meeting recessed at 11:03 a.m. and reconvened at 11:16 a.m.
Financial Advisor Tom Holley compared the typical road life, period of financing for roads, and bonding; and advised of road bonding history for the County since 1989. He explained the benefits of extending the local option gas tax.
Commissioner Higgs inquired if Mr. Holley is talking about refinancing all of the bonds; with Mr. Holley responding affirmatively. Mr. Holley explained how much new money could be raised by refinancing and other advantages. Discussion ensued on the figures, the bonding period, effects of bonding, comparing cost of money to construction cost inflation, and previous interest rates on bonds.
Mr. Holley presented ten-year and fifteen-year extension scenarios.
Commissioner Voltz noted extending the gas tax does not mean the County has to refinance the bonds. Mr. Holley agreed; but advised there is no benefit to the County to extend and not refinance. Commissioner Voltz advised of the benefit to the municipalities. Discussion ensued on the difference between the County and the municipalities, ten-year extension scenario, fifteen-year scenario, effect on various road projects, change in federal and State funding system to block grants, ability to spend some federal funds on local roads, Road and Bridge supplement, and reducing ad valorem tax in proportion to amount realized from refinancing.
Commissioner Higgs advised of the necessity of the gas tax unless there is a change in the growth pattern of the County, and the need for more financial information. Commissioner Voltz advised of the impact to the municipalities of not extending the gas tax. Commissioner Cook explained why he does not support extension at this time.
Discussion continued on extending the gas tax, ability of municipalities to petition for referendum, disadvantages of bonding, Minton Road project, overtaxation, cost to maintain and repave roads, and cost/benefit analysis.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, to grant permission to advertise a public hearing to consider an ordinance extending the Local Option Gas Tax for fifteen years. Motion died for lack of a second.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to grant permission to advertise a public hearing to consider an ordinance extending the Local Option Gas Tax for ten years, from 2001 to 2011.
Discussion ensued on the history of the gas tax, concern that the tax could become permanent, what would happen if a referendum failed, other taxes, pay-as-you-go policy, responsible use of credit, cost of credit, and cost/benefit analysis.
Chairman O'Brien called for a vote on the motion. Motion carried and ordered. Commissioners Scarborough, Higgs and Voltz voted aye; Commissioners O'Brien and Cook voted nay.
B. B. Nelson advised of the priority status of U.S. 192; and recommended looking for feasible alternatives, if U.S. 192 is not going to be done. He suggested the Pineda Causeway as an alternative; advised of the advantages of getting the right-of-way at little or not cost; and explained the route that could be taken with two tolls. He recommended the County take advantage of the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) laws to fund transportation.
Discussion ensued on other sources of funding, why lobbying for PILT funds may be counterproductive if the Board wants more federal jobs to move to the County, and the economic impact of the two federal facilities. Chairman O'Brien directed staff to discuss PILT with Congressman Weldon and provide an executive summary to the Board.
The meeting recessed at 12:15 p.m. and reconvened at 1:05 p.m.
Commissioner Higgs advised her first goal is to encourage and support the County Manager's efforts to manage the organization on the principles of encouraging competition, being outcome driven, being customer service oriented, empowering employees, and leveraging government assets with the private sector. She advised her second goal is to attract and retain a high quality workforce; and outlined methods to achieve that goal.
Discussion ensued on flexible schedules for employees, accountability, enhancement of services, use of comp time for participation in community service activities, encouraging interaction with the community, suggestion boxes, and incentives and rewards for outstanding job performance.
Commissioner Higgs advised her third goal is to fund the EDC for additional services to produce increased industrial jobs, particularly in existing businesses.
Discussion ensued on who the County is competing against for quality jobs, requesting EDC analyze and report on marketing plans of competitors for jobs, funding for EDC, travel money for EDC with criteria, cost/benefit factor of bringing jobs in, targeting existing County businesses for job creation, global market, funding through occupational license fees, proactive economic development, infrastructure needs to foster high-tech industry, educational needs, attracting educational facilities to the County, trade schools close to low income areas, and encouraging use of abandoned mall-type stores for high-tech activities.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Cook, to direct staff to prepare a letter for the Chairman's signature encouraging the utilization of abandoned mall-type stores to bring in high-tech activities in the municipalities. The Board reached consensus to approve sending a letter to municipalities encouraging use of abandoned mall-type stores for high-tech activities.
County Manager Tom Jenkins advised of an Orange County Task Force of citizens which identified types of industry to focus on and what was needed to support the identified industries.
Discussion ensued on things the County needs to attract business, including amenities such as landscaping as roads are built.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Voltz, to approve policy that landscaping, noise control and highway lighting be included in County projects. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Higgs advised the Board started on her next goal, to complete a ten-year road plan with funding. Discussion ensued on the prioritization process for road projects.
Commissioner Higgs explained her next five goals, (5) work with appropriate agencies and the private sector to preserve the other half of the Mullet Creek Islands, (6) assist Barefoot Bay residents in decreasing their water and sewer rates, (7) have ground breaking for South Mainland Community Center, (8) direct the County Manager to begin implementation of the CCMP, (9) increase SCAT ridership by at least 12%, and (10) produce at least three interlocal agreements with cities for automatic aid and direct fire/rescue services.
Chairman O'Brien explained problems in achieving goal 10; with Mr. Jenkins outlining actions which have been taken to work with the municipalities to achieve the goal.
Commissioner Higgs advised her next two goals are consolidating data services with the Clerk and Sheriff and consolidating dispatch services with the Sheriff and Fire/Rescue; and explained the duplication of services.
Discussion ensued on assessment of feasibility of goals, need to see ramifications, capital costs of consolidation of dispatch services, staff reductions, and better service to the public. Mr. Jenkins advised he will report on the pros and cons of the issue.
Commissioner Higgs advised her next goal is to look at alternatives to increase the efficiency of Code Enforcement, and to eliminate the ongoing battle on overgrown lawns.
Discussion ensued on limited citation power for Code Enforcement officers, options if tickets are not paid, and County Manager reporting back on all goals.
Commissioner Higgs advised her next goal is to decrease crime by adding jail space, road deputies, juvenile assessment center, after school programs, youth recreation options, and public transportation for youth.
Discussion ensued on letter from Sheriff Williams, looking at alternatives for privatization of jails, maximum security expansion as pilot project, presenting issue to Public Safety Coordinating Committee, meeting with Sheriff, and budget constraints.
Commissioner Voltz agreed with Commissioner Higgs' goal for the County to be more customer service oriented; and explained her goal to coordinate with the St. Johns River Water Management District on the one-stop permitting process.
Discussion ensued on willingness of St. Johns River Water Management District to take over certain functions to avoid duplication of efforts.
Commissioner Voltz advised her next goal is for the County to be more constituent friendly; and inquired what is done to thank volunteers.
Discussion ensued on ways to thank volunteers. The Board reached consensus to send certificates signed by the Chairman and the appointing Commissioner to volunteers in appreciation of their service. Commissioner Voltz inquired about having an open house for volunteers; and advised of her plan to hold educational meetings in her District. Chairman O'Brien suggested holding volunteer thank-you picnics for appointees to advisory boards.
Commissioner Voltz explained her goal to use the television to solicit appointees for advisory boards and volunteers, and any other worthwhile purpose. Discussion ensued on ways to maximize benefit of television use, avoiding use of television for political purposes, possible misuse of television, and use of television to provide customer service information. Mr. Jenkins advised of plans to have a local government channel which will be shared by the County and the municipalities.
Chairman O'Brien advised of his goals to establish priorities and delegate authority. He advised of his goal concerning beautification; and suggested a plan to have a County tree farm to grow oak trees to be planted on County roads. Discussion ensued on expanding the Sheriff's nursery, assistance from the Agriculture Extension Service, cost savings on road landscaping, and cost of maintenance.
Chairman O'Brien advised of various environmental programs, and the need to know what programs are coming in the future. Mr. Jenkins advised he will provide an inventory of programs and anticipated programs. Discussion ensued on the plan for the Indian River Lagoon.
Chairman O'Brien advised of his goals for Code Enforcement, including tighter controls on releasing bonds for sidewalks and infrastructure improvements, decision on whether to increase occupational licensing costs to support EDC, and determination of amount of outstanding liens and fines.
Chairman O'Brien advised of his goal that growth management issues be considered at a specific time of year when the Board considers Comprehensive Plan changes. Commissioner Higgs explained Comprehensive Plan amendments are considered twice a year except for small scale amendments which are provided for in the Statutes. Discussion ensued on Comprehensive Plan amendments and vacating of property.
Chairman O'Brien outlined his goals concerning Public Works including provision of a cover sheet for each contract highlighting warrantee of workmanship and materials, amount of construction bond, and payment to suppliers from bonds. Mr. Jenkins advised of action taken to resolve the problem of subcontractors not being paid. Chairman O'Brien advised of problems with roofing projects; with Mr. Jenkins advising of the County's use of a roofing expert to prevent such problems.
Chairman O'Brien advised of consumer protection needs, including roofing, and termite protection. Discussion ensued on action through the Office of Consumer Fraud and Contractor's Licensing Board, implementation of termite control requirements, and certification requirements.
Chairman O'Brien advised of his goal for effective methods of child support enforcement. Discussion ensued on the Child Support Enforcement Committee.
Chairman O'Brien advised of his goal to compile an inventory and sell real properties owned by the County. Mr. Jenkins advised of Board policy to sell properties not having a future or current use; and he will compile an inventory of developed and undeveloped real estate with explanations why the properties should be kept or sold. Commissioner Cook advised the policy excludes park land.
Chairman O'Brien expressed concern about windstorm insurance; with Assistant to County Manager Peggy Busacca advising of actions taken to contact realtors and bankers.
Chairman O'Brien advised of his goal that all use agreements and leases be structured to expire at the same time.
Chairman O'Brien advised of his goal for the Board to meet with the School Board. Discussion ensued on a draft agenda for the meeting and direction for the County Manager to contact the School Board members and Superintendent of Schools about such meeting.
Chairman O'Brien advised of his goal for standardization of computer systems, evaluation methods, communication, raises and budgetary methods for constitutional officers and the Board. Discussion ensued on going to the Charter if there is no agreement with the constitutional officers, compromising with the constitutional officers, software compatibility, inconsistent policies, and anticipated new programs that would affect the County's budget.
Chairman O'Brien advised of his goal to have a plan to build shelters for battered women near I-95 in North, Central and South Brevard. Discussion ensued on use of various grant funds, locations for shelters, need for confidentiality of locations, and budgetary priorities.
The meeting recessed at 3:14 p.m. and reconvened at 3:27 p.m.
Commissioner Cook advised of his goals, including reducing size of the County workforce through attrition, holding the line on taxes, reducing County budget, and reducing number of County vehicles by 25%.
Discussion ensued on enhancement of services, shifting personnel, and right sizing of government.
Commissioner Cook advised of his goals to have each department do its own hiring and processing of personnel, investigate privatizing jails, make more information available to the public through the Internet and other resources, continue to preserve environmentally endangered lands through EEL's and State funding, and expand efforts to encourage economic growth and job expansion through deregulation.
Discussion ensued on initiation of management plans for EEL's properties, and County policy to guarantee public access to EEL's lands.
Commissioner Cook advised of his goals to decrease County bonding requirements to encourage small businesses to participate in the County bidding process, continue review of Ordinances for sunset, resolve the park equity issue, meet with the School Board to determine ways to enhance recreational and other services, complete the Upper Eau Gallie Master Drainage Plan, and look at preparing a "How to Start a Business Book."
Commissioner Scarborough advised of his goal to look at the community as a whole proactively rather than just responding to dialogue.
Discussion ensued on looking at things on cost/benefit basis, preservation of quality of life, beautification, directing resources to get cost/benefit, position of County on list of best places to live, using money wisely, using knowledge of staff, and polling County staff for suggestions to improve the County.
Commissioner Higgs suggested the Board consider the comments of staff at its next workshop, and begin to develop a strategic plan. Discussion ensued on when the workshop can be held; with the Board reaching consensus to hold the workshop in March. Discussion proceeded on whether to invite Lynda Weatherman to the workshop, value of holding workshops, need for staff guidance, and visioning process.
Upon motion and vote, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
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