February 13, 1996 (workshop)
Feb 13 1996
The Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, met in special session on February 13, 1996, at 1:30 p.m. in the Government Center Florida Room, Building C, 2725 St. Johns Street, Melbourne, Florida. Present were: Chairman Mark Cook, Commissioners Truman Scarborough, Randy O?Brien, Nancy Higgs, and Scott Ellis, and County Manager Tom Jenkins. Absent was: *County Attorney Scott Knox.
Water Resources Director Richard Martens described the original project to extend the reclaimed water from the Sykes Creek Regional Treatment Plant a mile south along S.R. 3 and a second project crossing under the Barge Canal in anticipation of providing reclaimed water service to the urbanized areas south of the Barge Canal; and advised the estimated costs were $300,000 for the first project and $1 million for the second project. He explained the advantage in having the reclaimed water line structured to double as an emergency Barge Canal crossing in case of problems with the raw sewage force main crossing at the site of the Barge Canal Bridge. He advised of the progress with the projects, with some design work done in-house; and expressed interest in extending the lines to serve two new developments, Sunset Groves and Island Lakes Phase II.
Chairman Cook inquired about benefit versus cost. Mr. Martens responded the project was a proposal to retrofit a major portion of Merritt Island and the South Beaches using existing funding in the Utilities Enterprise Fund and State Revolving Loan funding; it was a means to reduce dependence on injection wells; and the estimated cost of a 70% system was $29 million. He advised of the funding scenarios, imposing a $14 to $15 monthly charge for all potential customers or imposing a Countywide service fee increase of 3%. Chairman Cook inquired if it includes the retrofitting; with Mr. Martens responding no. Mr. Martens advised the projects today are the major transmission lines, but in the absence of support for the retrofitting of residential areas on South Merritt Island, there is little purpose in proceeding. He advised of the requirement to have those lines if reclaimed water is to be brought to Merritt Island south of the Barge Canal. Chairman Cook inquired if the concern with the deep well has been ameliorated. Mr. Martens advised of the status of the deep wells; and emphasized there is no current mandate to develop an alternate effluent disposal system.
*County Attorney Scott Knox?s presence was noted at this time.
Commissioner O?Brien advised with reuse water, the drinking water supply is saved, and there are many projects where reuse is successfully used. He noted the project will relieve the present strain on the deep well; and advised of the problems with the deep wells. He stated the County already has a $7 million investment in deep wells; and people would like to have reuse water. He advised of successful programs in Cocoa Beach and Cape Canaveral and the benefits of the program.
Chairman Cook advised reuse should be encouraged in new development, but not retrofitting existing developments; and expressed concerns about the disruption caused by retrofitting and the increased rates.
Commissioner O?Brien noted $15 a month is a high rate; 3% Countywide is not fair to those who will not get the reuse; but in the future it will be expanded throughout the entire County.
Commissioner Higgs inquired if 3% across-the-Board is based on both reuse projects; with Mr. Martens responding both. Commissioner Higgs inquired about the irrigation wells; with Mr. Martens stating there is a 35-gallon per day per unit difference in consumption on Merritt Island than there is on the South Beaches. Commissioner Scarborough inquired why; with Mr. Martens responding because of the proliferation of irrigation wells on the South Beaches.
Commissioner Ellis advised the project is a waste of money, especially in the South Beaches; and requested if reuse lines are put in, staff investigate putting in water lines at the same time. Commissioner Higgs noted the reuse line in the South Beaches would go north to the more densely populated areas. Discussion ensued on reuse lines on the South Beaches. Mr. Martens advised the preliminary design shows the main line going up the middle of the beaches with smaller lines branching out, and described the service area. Commissioner Higgs inquired if the increase is 1.5 to 3% plus $10 to $15 a month; with Mr. Martens responding no.
Commissioner Scarborough inquired whether medians and parks are included; and advised of his concerns about retrofitting. Mr. Martens stated staff has not looked at that on Merritt Island; and advised of sites on South Beaches which could be irrigated, noting Flutie Park and Spessard Holland Golf Course use approximately .8 million gallons per day over the year. Commissioner Higgs inquired how many gallons are treated; with Mr. Martens responding a low of 5 to over 8 million gallons.
Chairman Cook reiterated his concerns about retrofitting. Commissioner Scarborough inquired if Mr. Martens sees any major utilization outside of the retrofitting; with Mr. Martens responding there are no golf courses. Commissioner Scarborough inquired if there is enough use at the schools to justify a small project; with Mr. Martens responding the question is if there is to be a Barge Canal crossing, what size should it be. Mr. Martens advised a significant part of the expense of getting under the Barge Canal will be just crossing it. Commissioner O?Brien explained the benefit of having two pipes under the Barge Canal. Mr. Martens advised generally that type of redundant pipeline crossing is not done. Commissioner Ellis inquired what type of accident could take out one line without taking out the other. Mr. Martens explained the distance between the two lines; and advised the main concern is structural failure caused by corrosion not an accident. Commissioner Ellis suggested sealing the pipe in a concrete casing; with Mr. Martens responding a casing would not seal the pipe, and rusting could occur from the inside.
Commissioner Higgs inquired what percentage of the Merritt Island customers are using City water to irrigate; with Mr. Martens responding he does not have that number, but between one-third and one-half of the water is used outside the home. Commissioner Higgs inquired about offsetting the costs. Mr. Martens advised smaller families would save more, as much as $250 a year on their total water and sewer bills; but a family of six might only save $100 a year.
Commissioner Ellis inquired how is the shortfall in sewer revenue going to be made up if people use reuse water. Mr. Martens responded staff does not think any significant revenue would be lost on the South Beaches. Commissioner Ellis stated if a lot of people are irrigating with City water, which is charged to the sewer bill, on Merritt Island, a lot of revenue will be lost; and the more beneficial the reuse line is, the more revenue will be lost, and the more rates will have to be raised to make up for the lost revenue. Mr. Martens conceded there is a subsidy to the sewer fund from people who irrigate with City water. Commissioner Higgs stated potable water is a resource that has to be conserved; and the cost benefit may fall out on the side of saving the resource. She stated the Board has not always evaluated in terms of a revenue decrease being caused, and sometimes it has to evaluate in terms of what is the right thing to do. Commissioner Ellis recommended the Board take into account all the factors in the revenue equation. Discussion ensued on the cost benefit equation. Commissioner Scarborough addressed the reserve necessary to serve the demand placed on the system by irrigation; and expressed his concerns about making people unhappy by retrofitting.
Commissioner O?Brien noted most of the development will be in the South Merritt Island; with Mr. Martens advising there are no plans to take any lines south; and the unit cost to do the Courtenay corridor would be expensive. Mr. Martens stated the cost will be to benefit those customers closest which would be the neighborhoods north of S.R. 520; and the development will be at low densities north of the Barge Canal or south of S.R. 520. Commissioner O?Brien advised of plans to bring reuse water from Cocoa across S.R. 520.
Commissioner Higgs requested an evaluation of the bigger picture of the water supply, the total usage, the impact to the rate payers on both the water and sewer side, and what it means in the long term. Chairman Cook noted there is no consensus to move forward; and there are better uses for the $14 million or $15 million than to retrofit neighborhoods. He expressed support for reuse in new neighborhoods, but stated the retrofit cannot be justified. Commissioner Higgs requested staff come back with additional information on the overall impacts.
Mr. Martens advised staff is working on the number of potable irrigators on Merritt Island and the cost to the Cocoa water system of expanding capacity to meet the dry season irrigation demands; and staff will provide that information. Commissioner O?Brien suggested taking a survey by post card; with Commissioner Higgs suggesting it be included in the water bills. Commissioner Scarborough requested the residents be asked about willingness to pay additional money for a reuse system. Mr. Martens expressed concern about the accuracy of such survey; and advised the City of Cocoa has prioritized areas with a higher willingness to do reclaimed water.
Chairman Cook stated he would like to see a Board policy to not retrofit. Commissioner Higgs stated if the County is forced to get out of deep well injection, the options are narrow. Chairman Cook noted it appears that has been worked out. Commissioner Higgs expressed concern about a policy against retrofitting. Commissioner Scarborough stated if the survey came back that three-quarters of the people were willing to pay $15 a month for reuse water, he would support it. Commissioner Higgs suggested the people be asked first if they want reuse water, and then if they are willing to pay. Commissioner O?Brien noted the $15 would be offset by a smaller sewer bill. Commissioner Ellis noted the rates would have to be raised because of the loss of sewer revenue. Chairman Cook stated it is not fair, and the revenue would have to be made up.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Higgs, to direct staff to come back to the Board with a list of four questions to do a sample mailing concerning reuse water. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Cook advised the questions must be neutral.
Mr. Martens stated there are two new subdivisions which have reclaimed water lines installed and no reclaimed water service; a portion of the North Courtenay force main would provide service to those subdivisions; it is a $150,000 to $200,000 construction project; and proposed going forward to provide that service to those subdivisions, and bringing it back to the Board in the near future. Commissioner Ellis stated that makes sense; with Chairman Cook agreeing.
Planner II Steve Swanke inquired if the Board would revise the projects for North Merritt Island to reflect that. Discussion ensued on whether a revision is necessary. Mr. Swanke advised a formal motion is needed on what to include in the CIP; with Commissioner Higgs responding the Board has not decided. Chairman Cook noted staff has been given direction to come back with one piece of the project; with Mr. Swanke advising neither project will be included, and will be addressed in a future CIP. Mr. Jenkins advised of the need to prepare a printed document; with Mr. Swanke advising it is updated each year. Mr. Martens advised the retrofitting of the neighborhoods was not a CIP project; outlined the $300,000 project and the $1 million project; and requested conceptual approval to build the first 2,500 feet of the line to get to one of the subdivisions currently waiting for reclaimed water.
Motion by Commissioner O?Brien, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to grant conceptual approval to provide service through the North Merritt Island Reuse Line to the subdivisions on Merritt Island which have installed reclaimed water lines. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Growth Management Director Susan Hann presented an errata sheet.
Management Services Director Michael Management outlined the continued projects, including the Justice Center, minimum security addition, and relocation plan. He advised of a new project for a workshop facility, adapting one of the modulars at the Melbourne facility for Facility Maintenance, and another to build holding cells for the Sheriff at the Titusville Historical Courthouse. He advised of three preliminary energy conservation projects and five required fuel site construction projects. He noted staff is present to address the vehicle replacement program; and there are five communications projects. Mr. Managan outlined a proposal to swap out the current financial system with a package system which would save on personnel; stated there is a proposal to add another risk server at Viera which will allow the plug to be pulled on the mainframe producing savings of over $200,000 a year; and described the upgrade from Category 3 wiring to Category 5 wiring. He advised of proposals to enhance the wide area network and the E911 system.
Facilities Construction Director Joseph Vislay presented an update on the Justice Center, scheduled for final completion on June 1, 1996, with opening scheduled after July 4, 1996.
Chairman Cook inquired if upgrades are brought back; with Mr. Vislay responding everything is brought back to the Board if it is not time sensitive; and if it is time sensitive, it can be done under the County Manager?s Office, within limits. Chairman Cook noted incidents of waste in other areas; and stated the Board wants to be aware of upgrades. Mr. Vislay advised optional items or upgrades will come to the Board. Mr. Vislay advised it is a no frills structure, and equipment with better efficiency ratings has been used; and it is running approximately $130 a square foot. He noted the mechanical and electrical systems have been sized to accommodate expansion.
Facilities Management Director Hugh Muller advised of the steps that will be taken when the Justice Center comes online with renovations of Buildings B and E and the Rockledge Courthouse; and stated the three renovations are listed as one CIP item. He advised of proposed renovations to the Melbourne Courthouse. Mr. Jenkins advised of the commitment to keep renovations to a minimum at Rockledge and Melbourne.
Commissioner Ellis requested space be held at the Melbourne Courthouse for the District 5 Commission Office. Commissioner O?Brien inquired about the School Board?s interest in the Melbourne Courthouse.
Mr. Muller outlined the proposal for the holding cells at the Titusville Historic Courthouse at $176,000 and the current use of space by the Sheriff. He advised of the need for evaluation once the Justice Center opens to see what the actual needs are. Mr. Jenkins advised of the possibility of moving the modular jail from the Melbourne Courthouse to Titusville. Commissioner Ellis inquired about holding cells at the Melbourne Courthouse; with Mr. Muller explaining the provisions at the Melbourne Courthouse. Mr. Muller outlined the needs for a workshop facility for Facilities Management; and proposed modifying one of the modulars at the Melbourne Courthouse and buying a Butler building to be sited at District 4 Road and Bridge for that use. Commissioner Ellis inquired about Central Fleet moving to Lake Drive; with Mr. Managan responding it has. Fleet Management Director Gene Melvin advised the available square footage at Lake Drive would be 400 square feet; with Mr. Muller advising the need would be 2,000 square feet for a warehouse/shop. Mr. Muller advised of three energy conservation items submitted in the CIP; and stated FP&L is discontinuing its generator program. Discussion ensued on the generators and the emergency systems. Mr. Muller advised of a lighting retrofit program. Mr. Managan advised these projects have been pulled from the CIP and will appear in Mr. Muller?s operating budget.
Commissioner Ellis inquired about modulars at Melbourne Courthouse. Discussion ensued on use of the modulars. Commissioner Higgs inquired if the fuel sites will be reimbursed through the EPA; with Mr. Melvin responding the reimbursement program has been put on hold, but the County is still applying for reimbursements of the ones being done now. Mr. Jenkins advised of the reserve fund.
Chairman Cook inquired about the policy for vehicle replacements; with Mr. Melvin explaining the current system. Discussion ensued on vehicle replacement, vehicle depreciation, maintenance costs, mileage, and vehicle resale. Chairman Cook requested historical data on the vehicles in terms of age and mileage. Mr. Managan advised the $250,000 in the CIP maintains the status quo for the vehicle fleet. Commissioner Ellis suggested a program for employees to use their private vehicles; with Mr. Melvin advising of a volunteer program. Commissioner O?Brien outlined problems in having employees use their private vehicles. Mr. Jenkins advised of the decrease in use of County vehicles over the last several years. Commissioner Scarborough inquired if Risk Management has evaluated the impact to the employee of driving their personal vehicles and the impact to the County if the employee is involved in an accident. Discussion ensued on use of personal vehicles in the line of employment.
Commissioner O?Brien inquired about use of Humvees. Mr. Managan stated a Humvee has to be kept for over 10 years before the cost/benefits lines cross; and dealers were not prepared to advise that the vehicles would last over 300,000 miles. Don Wixon, Purchasing Supervisor, presented a report outlining problems with Humvees sold for civilian use.
Information Systems Manager Jon Sellers described the client/server project, the equipment, and the objective; and advised of changes since the beginning of the project. He advised of costs associated with the mainframe; and proposed putting another large UNIX server at Viera in order to cut costs. Mr. Managan advised of the cost savings in unplugging the mainframe.
Commissioner Ellis advised some of the Information Systems staff did not favor getting rid of the mainframe. Mr. Sellers stated staff who had been in the mainframe environment for a long time were not comfortable with the UNIX boxes. Mr. Managan advised of advantages to the client/server system over the mainframe including ability to use software packages and cut personnel costs. Commissioner Ellis inquired about melding the new system with the equipment the County just purchased; with Mr. Managan responding those things can be done. Discussion ensued on the client/server project, including cost of software, building on the present system, and ability to do the capital improvement project without hitting the General Fund. Commissioner Ellis expressed support for the investment because of the productivity gains. Discussion ensued on problems with the previous system.
Commissioner Higgs inquired about merger of the Clerk?s data operation, the Sheriff?s data operation, and the County?s operation. Mr. Managan advised it is a policy decision the Board should make; and advised how other counties work. He noted it is less important to consolidate today.
Commissioner Ellis inquired about cost. Mr. Seller advised the risk server would be $132,000 to $300,000. Commissioner Ellis inquired if that will be submitted for this year?s budget and what is the time frame for the project; with Mr. Managan responding it will be submitted as CIP projects, and it needs to be coordinated in terms of pulling the mainframe and starting the other. Mr. Seller noted it could be done in two years; and outlined what will have to be done. Discussion ensued on funding. Mr. Seller advised the Property Appraiser?s system is on the UNIX box.
Commissioner Ellis noted no representative from the Clerk?s Office participated in the Selection Committee. Commissioner Higgs suggested the Board have discussions with the Clerk. Mr. Managan advised staff is working with the Information System Steering Committee on a Countywide policy so everything will be compatible.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Ellis, to approve the two CIP projects which were discussed, the risk server and the financial package, and authorize staff to go forward to implement the UNIX system and pull the plug on the mainframe as soon as possible. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Commissioner Higgs noted that does not include the 300 terminals.
Communications Network Director Joe Lamers advised of the three communications projects, the E-911 replacement of recorders, expansion of the Wide Area Network, and rewiring of the Government Center buildings to accommodate category 5 wire. Chairman Cook expressed amazement that the Government Center would have to be rewired. Commissioner Higgs advised of the changes in technology in five years.
Commissioner Higgs requested additional information about the E-911 project. Mr. Lamers explained the E-911 system and equipment; noted the recorders are between 7 and 10 years old; and outlined the problems with the recorders. He described the proposed equipment, and compared the costs of renovating the old equipment versus purchasing the new equipment. Chairman Cook inquired about maintenance costs; with Mr. Lamers responding $27,000. Discussion ensued on the purchase, including pay back time, vendors, and the bid process.
Commissioner O?Brien expressed concerns about going digital. Mr. Lamers explained the industry is moving to digital, and the old systems are not being manufactured; and stated the reliability is as good as the tapes; and all emergency systems are using digital. Chairman Cook expressed concern that systems that still work cannot be used. Mr. Lamers explained the County?s risk of lawsuit with the old system. Chairman Cook noted the personal element of the response would not change. Discussion ensued on the advantages of digital equipment, the lifespan of the equipment, and the cost of replacement versus repair and maintenance of the old equipment.
Motion by Commissioner Higgs, seconded by Commissioner Scarborough, to approve the Management Services Element of the CIP minus the energy programs. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
The meeting recessed at 3:21 p.m. and reconvened at 3:42 p.m.
*County Attorney Scott Knox?s absence was noted at this time.
Public Works Director Henry Minneboo stated there are 42 capital items listed including resurfacing and paving of a portion of the County roads, repair of runway 927 at Valkaria Airport and a 10-unit hangar, and a number of stormwater projects. He advised a quarterly report will be provided relating to the gas tax issues of Public Works road projects, which will address construction costs and right-of-way acquisition concerns.
Commissioner O?Brien stated when the North Courtenay project is done is the perfect time to put in reuse lines, if the Board chooses to do that.
Commissioner Scarborough requested staff provide a memorandum explaining the charges for services on page 5. Special Projects Coordinator II Harriet Raymond advised it reflects the Melbourne and West Melbourne portion of the Dairy Road project.
Commissioner Ellis inquired about Malabar Road, Phase 2; with Ms. Raymond providing a status report. He inquired when Malabar Road, Phase 1 will be completed; with Mr. Minneboo responding 18 months.
*County Attorney Scott Knox?s presence was noted at this time.
Commissioner Ellis expressed desire to have all the right-of-way for Malabar Road, Phase 2 by the time Phase 1 is completed; and noted the need to have the City involved. He inquired if anything will be done west of Minton Road at the intersection; with Mr. Minneboo responding the geometry of the intersection was addressed. Discussion ensued on the intersection and the negotiations.
Commissioner Higgs inquired about deletion of the parallel taxiway on Valkaria Road; with Administrative Assistant Mary O?Neal responding Runway 14/32 has been deleted. Discussion ensued on the Valkaria Airport, including deletion of $880,000 for Runway 14/32, meeting with the Valkaria Advisory Board, and fly-in golf.
Mr. Minneboo advised there will be a workshop concerning road projects.
Commissioner Higgs inquired about improvements to the M-1 Canal. Surface Water Improvement and Drainage Director Ron Jones provided an update; and noted a Task Order for a modeling analysis will be coming to the Board on March 5, 1996. He advised an inventory of all structures and laterals within the M-1 has been completed; and projects are being selected for implementation. Commissioner Ellis inquired about pursuing funding with the St. Johns River Water Management District; with Mr. Jones advising he will be going before the Governing Board tomorrow to discuss a number of funding issues and provide a status report. He expressed doubt in the St. Johns River Water Management District participating in the analysis of the M-1 system; but stated the District has indicated a willingness to fund some of the infrastructure improvements. Mr. Jenkins advised of problems if there is another wet summer; and staff is looking at ways to expedite changes. Discussion ensued on actions the City of Melbourne can take south of U.S. 192, public reaction to the problem, the Solid Waste Management pumping project, greater retention on the golf course in Melbourne, the amount of water, permits, and the goal of the modeling.
Mr. Jones proposed purchase of a large volume portable pumping station. Chairman Cook inquired if additional pumps were purchased, and is this in addition to those purchases; with Mr. Jones responding yes. Mr. Jones explained the types of pumps which were purchased versus the pumps being proposed. Mr. Jenkins inquired where the water is pumped to; with Mr. Jones responding in the case of the Pine Island canal system, there is an immediate discharge to the river; but in terms of the M-1 Canal system, it is necessary to look at different locations. Mr. Jones advised of the cost of pumps.
Commissioner Ellis inquired about the FEMA projects. Mr. Jones advised staff submitted $1.1 million worth of flood control projects associated with the Hazard Mitigation grant; the projects have been taken to a preliminary level of engineering analysis and cost estimate; and answers should come back from FEMA within the next couple of months. He noted if the projects are not funded, they are still necessary to avoid flooding. Commissioner Ellis inquired about the time frame; with Public Works Finance Director Jim Helmer responding four to six months for approval and it may be partial approval. Discussion ensued on the funding procedure, the possibility of proceeding with engineering on the projects, and advancement of funds for possible reimbursement. Mr. Jones advised of projects which were not submitted but are necessary and have been initiated. He stated within two months, there should be preliminary indications of which projects will be approved; but until the last list is done, it will not be final.
Motion by Commissioner Scarborough, seconded by Commissioner Ellis, to approve inclusion of the Public Works CIP in the final draft. Motion carried and ordered unanimously.
Chairman Cook inquired if the Board wants to continue with the current format of workshops, etc. to consider the CIP.
Growth Management Director Susan Hann suggested the CIP be done in conjunction with the budget.
Chairman Cook stated he has no objection, but it will be an added burden in going through the budget process. Commissioner Higgs expressed concern about having enough time for discussion. Mr. Jenkins suggested trying one workshop to see how it works. Chairman Cook stated he is not opposed to trying it, but is concerned about all the issues that come up during the budget.
Bob Lynn, District 4 appointee to the Citizen Budget Review Committee, advised the Committee is working with staff on various issues; it is making good progress; and a report will be provided at the appropriate time. He expressed concern about the flooding; and recommended the public be informed of the actions being taken and what can and cannot be done. Commissioner Ellis suggested a list of public works projects be prepared showing what has been done and what is programmed to be done.
Upon motion and vote, the meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m.
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